João Evangelista & Negro, 1978 Lisboa, Portugal. Currently based in Amsterdam.
Works in the field of live art since 1998 under different pseudonyms, operating between the mediums of theater, choreography and fine arts.
In the last 2 years, his praxis focused in mapping the creative responses of communities within post-
industrial locations such as Detroit, US and Heerlen, Europe.
His background studies are Computer Science and Contemporary Choreography.
Currently working on developing food processing and heat producing installations for Mediamatic Fabriek under the concept of Diesel Kantine.
Mentoring #bettercities Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Ipoh, Spring 2013
Work documentation:
Diesel Kantine - food and fuel services
(or how to survive the winter in 10 steps)
Diesel Laboratory - service research
(or how i was more one of them than one of them)
Detroit learning by doing praxis
(or how i didnt get shot in 3 months)