Aug 2020 - Jan 2021

Àmber van de Ven

Videomaker assistant


Amber van de Ven met graffiti -

Hi, my name is Àmber! I’m going to work on video projects for Mediamatic during my internship. I’m a Communication & Multimedia Design student which brought me in contact with graphic and product design. Before I even started with this creative study, I already had a great interest in video content which I have been making for several years now, just for fun. During the past 2 years of my study, it taught me how to add quality and depth to the results which gave me even more motivation to go on with it.
I like to challenge myself; we all already do what we already can. So it is time for me to do that also during my intern which I am excited about.

Contact information

  • Àmber van de Ven