Born in Kanagawa, Japan, Miku Sato received her Bachelor in Painting from Musashino Art University, Tokyo in 2009, and completed her Master of Film and New Media Studies from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2019. After she has came to the Netherlands as a fellowship of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists since October 2019, she currently works in Amsterdam and Yokohama/Tokyo. Her art practice is based on the fieldwork of specific places, where she starts up a project, delegating her intention with the local people that she selects. Through video, installation and peopleʼs participatory action, her quest is to develop a new way of composing storytelling, taking a different approach from journalism. The recent video works are focused on the subject of women, who lived during war.
Proposal by: Miku Sato
Book and Fire
Project Proposal: Reading cookbooks and the back side of recipes: food culture, politics and feminism
Based on the research of the old cookbooks of the Soviet Union and Japan, the project depicts food culture , politics , feminism , and how they are interrelated. Recipes can be considered stories.