Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Teun Castelein
Rederij Lampedusa
11Sep 2015Amsterdam has a new shipping company; Rederij Lampedusa, located in the harbor of Mediamatic. The shipping company consists of a fleet of two North African boats, which were used by refugees to cross...
Naja Ryde Ankarfeldt
After studying fine arts and artscience, Naja works on visual patterns, living arts, microbial structures and biomaterials.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Zwam Beer Ferment Oog Aroma Culture
12Sep 2015After months of preparations the Dijkspark and Mediamatic Biotoop are finally ready to be opened. We hope to see you there for a day filled with living art, pee installations, tours, drinks, graphic...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Rederij Lampedusa
11Sep 201513Sep 2015Amsterdam is een nieuwe rederij rijker, Rederij Lampedusa. De rederij bestaat uit een vloot van twee Noord-Afrikaanse boten waarmee vluchtelingen de overtocht naar Lampedusa, Europa hebben gemaakt.
Casting Doubt's Answering Card
The tool to find out which type of artist you would have been
Designed by artists Jasmin Moeller and Masha Ru in collaboration with Mediamatic, this answering card is your tool to answer the thirty questions about life and art of the Casting Doubts project.
RuigMarkt @ Openbare Werken
5Sep 20156Sep 2015Creative market Ruigoord style with art, food, music, workshops & more!
HMK {Hotel MariaKapel}
Blocks, blocks, blocks
28Aug 201526Sep 2015Blocks blocks blocks toont nieuw werk van Anne Kolbe waarin zij uitgaat van sculpturale basisprincipes en deze in relatie tot de unieke ruimte van de Mariakapel brengt
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Public Insight: Twijfel Zaaien
23Aug 2015Who's Jasmin? What's up with these 30 questions ? And what's that Dijkspark everyone is talking about? Meet the makers of Twijfel Zaaien : the public art installation that is currently on display at...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Workshop: Build a Wood-Fired Clay Oven
8Aug 2015The traditional Wood-Fired Clay Ovens are made from raw natural ingredients like straw and leem ; a combination of sand and clay. This material is environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, easy to...
21Jul 201624Jul 2016Virtual reality, holograms, ritualistic trance, cyborgs, total paralysis, ecstatic orgasmes, performances without bodies and dancing untill you drop. This summer, dance- and performance platform...
Festival WhyNot
Festival WhyNot is a platform that stimulates innovation in the field of contemporary dance and performance, and creates an open and accessible environment to encounter these art forms. WhyNot takes...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Festisvall Fünf
11Sep 201512Sep 2015Festisvall Fünf celebrates it's fifth edition with a music and art extravaganza. From the 20th of August until the 14th of September their caravan with 4 bands and 20 posters will travel through...
Nieuwe Vaart 5-9, 1019 MA Amsterdam robert pennekamp
Pre SAIL sale
25Jul 201526Jul 2015op zaterdag 25-07-2015 en zondag 26-07-2015; Opening Pre SAIL sale; met werk van Irene Janze en Robert Pennekamp opening met recent werk, schilderijen en beelden, sale van ouder werk ... van 16 - 18...
Do you feel half-asleep?
Question 30/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is yes, then sow California poppy in growbed no.30 If you don't think so, please sow Watercress in growbed no.30
Are you an independent human being?
Question 29/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Lacy phacelia in growbed no.29 If you don't think so, please sow Marjoram in growbed no.29
Do you want to change the world?
Question 28/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is yes, then sow Field marigold in growbed no.28 If you don't think so, please sow Corn Salad in growbed no.28
Do you have a spiritual duty?
Question 27/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Elecampane in growbed no.27 If you don't think so, please sow Radish in growbed no.27
Do you break social taboos?
Question 26/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Garden angelica in growbed no.26 If you don't think so, please sow Garden Orache in growbed no.26
Do you focus on self-expression?
Question 25/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Scarlet pimpernel in growbed no.25 If you don't think so, please sow Broccoli in growbed no.25
Are you aware of the context?
Question 24/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Mustard in growbed no.24 If you don't think so, please sow Arugula in growbed no.24
Do you lay emphasis on study in your life?
Question 23/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Rutabaga in growbed no.23 If you don't think so, please sow Eggplant in growbed no.23
Are you a self-conscious individual?
Question 22/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Corn marigold and a hint of Dyer's chamomile in growbed no.22 If you don't think so, please sow Coriander in growbed no.22
Do you believe in transfer between generations?
Question 21/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Winged Tobacco in growbed no.21 If you don't think so, please sow Catmints in growbed no.21
Are you patient?
Question 20/30 of Casting Doubt
If your answer is Yes, then sow Anise and a hint of Valerian in growbed no.20 If you don't think so, please sow Common Purslane in growbed no.20