Book: Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch 1 Jan 1900
Kunstformen der Natur, Lieferung 7
Issue 7 of Kunstformen der Natur, consisting of 10 lithographs by German biologist Ernst Haeckel and lithographer Adolf Giltsch. Ten of these loose-leaf issues were published between 1899 and 1904.
Book: Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch 1 Jan 1900
Kunstformen der Natur, Lieferung 5
Issue 5 of Kunstformen der Natur, consisting of 10 lithographs by German biologist Ernst Haeckel and lithographer Adolf Giltsch. Ten of these loose-leaf issues were published between 1899 and 1904.
by Rob Sweere
Eight wooden objects are standing on low pedestals. You can slide each object over your head.
Anti Drone Tent
Work by Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Sarah's Anti Drone Tent is a small construction of emergency blankets that blocks infrared sensing, making it invisible to drones. The work is being displayed during the Drone Camping exhibition .
Adolf Giltsch
Master Lithographer from Jena who worked with Ernst Haeckel on Kunstformen der Natur and many other publications. Son of Eduard Giltsc h. Click here to see the Kunstformen der Natur prints , many by...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Round the Table: Art Schools Conspiracy
19Sep 2014Mediamatic invites art schools, academies and other educational institutions for a round the table. This open discussion and thought exchange is about the position of bio-art, science and design in...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Round the Table: Bio art labs conspiracy
18Sep 2014A new league of labs and organizations is emerging that support artists with their work in biology. We're inviting experts for a round the table meeting about the future and collaborations within the...
The Future of Plastic
An exhibition by Maurizio Montalti
Maurizio Montalti, partner of our Myco Design Lab, just opened his solo exhibition called "The Future of Plastic" in Naples. The exhibition will present some of the latest research and grown products
Artforms in Digital Translation
Anastasia and Chandni working hard to translate the beauty of Haeckel's lithographic illustrations In order to make the extraordinary Kunstformen der Natur exhibition happen in September, our...
TETEM kunstruimte
17Jul 201414Sep 2014Een hypnotiserende installatie waarbij de toeschouwer wordt ondergedompeld in een abstracte wereld van licht en geluid met laserstralen, glazen objecten en een klankcompositie.
Kunstformen der Natur
Exhibition of Ernst Haeckel’s biology art
From 1899 till 1904 Ernst Haeckel published 100 amazingly beautiful biological lithographs
Mediamatic Fabriek
Opening:The Aftermath Dislocation Principle
10Jul 2014Enter the bizarre, twisted world of musician, record producer, artist and cultural provocateur, Jimmy Cauty. Join him on Thursday July 10th for a disaster tour and post-apocalyptic spectacle. For the...
Bouw mee aan de piramide van stro en leem
9Jul 201418Jul 2014Van 9 tot 18 juli kun je meebouwen aan een piramide van stro en leem. De piramide die is ontworpen door kunstenaar Dusan Rodic, zal functioneren als tribune op het BMX terrein aan de Koivistokade in...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
Pret Park
7Jul 201413Jul 2014Welcome to PRET PARK! From July 8 – 13 Pret Park (amusement park) collectively investigates the possibilities and impossibilities of the artistic spectacle. Pret Park directly addresses a cultural...
Digital Media Artist , Art Educator
Constance Sommerey
Currently writing about Ernst Haeckel's (1834-1919) Wirkung and Nachwirkung on the German public understanding of evolution
'The Ghost in the Classroom. Ernst Haeckel's Rhetoric of Evolution and its Reverberations in German Biology Textbooks (1925-1958)' is the title of my PhD project at Maastricht University. I study...
Daqui Parece Uma Montanha / The grass is always…
Austrian, Danish and Portuguese contemporary artists
Curator: Luísa Santos CAM Gulbenkian, Lisbon - Hall, Level 0, Room A and Room B 5 June to 21 September 2014 http://www.cam.gulbenkian.pt/index.php?article=72669&visual=2&queryParams=orderby |asc
4Jul 201431Jul 2014Restaurant art intervention.
New Material Award
6Jul 2014Maak kans op 15.000 euro
Come on Board
28Jun 201413Jul 201422 gas pipes that used to be under the ground are now floating in the air below the former skate park in the old dock yard. They represent the fast changing surroundings of the wharf. The sounds...
Mediamatic Fabriek
18Sep 201420Sep 2014Bio-me. 3-day of talks, masterclasses, tastings and presentations concerning all that is designed with living organisms.
La Scarlatte
Pauline Teunissen
Illustrator/designer that creates finely detailed illustrations . Pattern design addiction, fascinated by human cannonballs, pop-up books vintage typography. La Scarlatte - Illustration portfolio
Felix Meritis
Beelddragers X10 thema: Sporen
27Jun 2014Voor &Collaborate daagt Beelddragers drie jonge talentvolle beeldmakers uit te werken binnen het X10 thema: Sporen.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
Fays, Fairies & other magical creatures
17Jun 201422Jun 2014With the famous ballet La Sylphide as an inspiration, Martin Butler creates a fairy-themed program for Lightness week 8. With brand new works by artist Gautier Pelegrin, Floris Didden, Daan Colijn