Open Source
I'm 21 years old. Currently studying Technical Computing at the "Hogeschool van Amsterdam".
Working where the physical meets the online world, throwing in social media and cultural heritage.
I'm Xander, 20 years of age. At the moment I'm in my first year of college. I study Technical Computing at the "Hogeschool van Amsterdam".
'Free Glass' would be the literal translation of the Dutch Vrij Glas, but the phrase contains a more nuanced message: Vrij Glas was the original name for that branch of the global studio glass...
We are the Amsterdam Ruby User Group. We exist to promote all aspects of Ruby and beyond within the area of Amsterdam. Our aim is to make Amsterdam a centre of excellence for Ruby development. We...
As an Electrical Engineer, I do Hardware and Software, finding technological solutions to be used in a diverse range of projects - in collaboration with software developers, designers and production...
Founder of a digital playground
Owner of Exitable (interactive agency), Drummer, Workaholic, Drupal, Frontend, Surfer
What is technology doing to us? In three hands-on experiments, discover what happens to our brains when we browse the web, how our surfing habits restructure how we think, and whether we can actually...
The ElectroSmog Festival is an initiative carried by a growing number of organisations and individuals distributed over a variety of countries, regions and continents.
De migratie van Indiase loonarbeiders (en hun nageslacht) multimediaal in kaart gebracht. Indiaspora zit op het snijpunt van genealogie, social media en het wiki-model
UGame ULearn, het buitengewoon succesvolle en toonaangevende symposium georganiseerd door de TUDelft Library en DOK, The Library Concept Center staat dit jaar in het teken van de User Experience.
Een week opgedragen aan de wereld van Free Software en digitale kunst.
Met werk van Yael Bartana, Sema Bekirovic, Martha Colburn, Helmut Dick, Elspeth Diederix, Willehad Eilers, Alicia Framis, Wannes Goetschalckx, Witte van Hulzen, Witte van Hulzen & Sander Breure, Sina...
My love for computers helped me a lot pursuing a career in the field of IT (Information Technology), and yet being involved in the Art Scene of Cairo (Egypt) which was something that I have been...
Clip uit Stand Up inspiration: Toomler Amsterdam Quote door Meike Huber voor het Maandblad Psychologie: In elke groep heb je er wel een: het buitenbeentje. Hij gedraagt...
Ik maak klank, en geef les over hoe je dat kan doen in Birmingham UK. Ik ben niet nederlands alleen voel ik me zo.
In this 1-day workshop you will learn the basics of Processing. Processing is an open source "programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts and...
I work as a webeditor for dutch broadcaster NTR. With our new Time-platform we have created a new interactive way to recycle old audio-visual content.