Open Source
What is a Fab Lab? From the MIT website: “Fab Lab is an abbreviation for Fabrication Laboratory. It is a group of off-the-shelf, industrial-grade fabrication and electronics tools, wrapped in open...
A mapping of art and design practices that focuses on the similarities and differences, the tensions and the bridges. Desarting is a case study of the act of visualising communication: it reveals the...
Media Artist and Composer Mark Coniglio will give a presentation on his work with Troika Ranch, the hybrid multimedia performance group he co-directs with Dawn Stoppiello, and the interactive...
my hopes my party my space to breath my words my bread on the shelf
The Hybrid Toys workshop of January 2008 gave its participants the opportunity to experiment with the possibilities of RFID. However, some of the participants, the author being one of them, were...
Student bachelor AI@UvA. Loves sushi and kites. Depth-first kinda guy.
During Video Vortex.2 the Netherlands Media Art Institute reveals a new identity as an experimental place presenting projects which demand public participation, or: do it yourself, with others! In...
I'm a communication consultant crazy for contemporary art and interested in ways to change human behaviour in favor of a sustainable world.
Pure Data (Pd) is a free and open source programming environment for music composition, sound installations, and live performance. Its high-level approach to programming by patching together...
All you need to know about FSN
Op uitnodiging van Dok bouwt Diederik Klomberg vanaf 14 december aan de installatie 'Point of View'. Een multipenetrabele installatie bestaande uit drie serieel geschakelde kamertjes. Door...
I'm pretty tired of the fact that every time a new social network shows up on the internet, I end up picking a new user name, a new password, having to reconnect with all my friends, having to write...
Martijn Pannevis has been doing stuff online since 1996, when he started his first homepage. Since then he has run a technical website company, did a lot of technical development, and run 2 startups.
amsterdam offers so many learning opportunities. The projects I am involved with have given me the possibility to discover things in areas I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I like to be a part of a...
margreet werkt aan: open movie: Big Buck Bunny open game:
Discovering technology Awed by it's wonders
We are proposing a range of existing technologies to enable the federation of social networks. Some are quite new, some are well established. Here I give a short overview of the technologies and...
David works for Six Apart (Live Journal, Type pad, Movable Type) as Open Platform Tech lead.
A craftsman of fine softwares by trade, currently living in San Francisco, California. He currently works on Odeo and Twitter. And on Jabber::Simple, FakeWeb and other projects.
Vicki Goldberg is one of America's leading voices in the field of photography criticism and has been a regular contributor to the New York Times for the last 13 years. At this conference, organized...