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Verslag van de 59ste Biennale van Venetie
Midden april 2022. We zijn op de preopening van 59 ste Biënnale Venetië. Eigenlijk stond deze biënnale gepland in 2021, maar corona stak daar een stokje voor. In Italië was de...
Melanie Bonajo exams the paradoxes inherent in our future-based ideas of comfort. Through her photographs, performances, videos and installations Bonajo examines subjects related to progress that remove from the individual a sense of belonging and looks at how technological advances and commodity-based pleasures increase feelings of alienation within the individual. Captivated by concepts of the divine, she explores the spiritual emptiness of her generation, examines peoples’ shifting relationship with nature and tries to understand existential questions by looking at our domestic situation, idea’s around classification, concepts of home, gender and attitudes towards value.