Martin Melchers
Martin Melchers werd in Amsterdam Oud-West geboren. Hij studeerde fysiotherapie, en werkte van 1972 tot 1985 als fysiotherapeut bij de GG&GD bij de gemeente Amsterdam en van 1985 tot 2004 als...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
19Dec 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
12Dec 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
5Dec 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
21Nov 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
14Nov 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
7Nov 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
31Oct 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Botanikurs 101: Living with Houseplants
16Nov 2019Learn more about living with your houseplants and their specific needs throughout the year. In this Botanikurs workshop we will discuss feeding your plants, watering your plants, caring for your...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Geur Workshop
3Oct 2019Op 3 oktober kwam een groepje leerlingen van het Orion College langs om een geur workshop te volgen van Frank Bloem. We roken aan verschillende blotters en gingen zo het geur orgel af. We leerden...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Nature needs Heroes: Growing Mushrooms
27Oct 2019Thanks to Timberland, you will able to join this workshop for only € 12,50. Read more about the Nature needs Heroes campaign here . Would you like to know what it takes to grow your own mushrooms?
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Starting from Dijkspark, we're mapping the plants in the city
A big variety of plants is growing around our Biotoop, from healing to toxic, from dark green to purple. You can visit the Dijkspark at any moment.
Mocca Amsterdam
Mocca Amsterdam verbindt kinderen en cultuur door het organiseren van speciale programma's en onderwijsmodules voor kunstdocenten en door samenwerkingsprojecten met musea en culturele instellingen...
Workshop: Theater de Meervaart
De Kunst van Techniek
3Apr 2019H et Congres Cultuureducatie georganiseerd door Mocca stond dit jaar in het teken van De Kunst van Techniek. Technische kunst of artistieke technologie; kruisbestuivingen tussen de wereld van kunst...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Growing Mushrooms
13Dec 2019Would you like to know what it takes to grow your own mushrooms? During this workshop, fungi expert Wouter Hassing will teach you about the potential of mycelium and how to start mushroom cultivation.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Growing Mushrooms
22Nov 2019Would you like to know what it takes to grow your own mushrooms? During this workshop, fungi expert Wouter Hassing will teach you about the potential of mycelium and how to start mushroom cultivation.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Weekend van de Wetenschap
5Oct 20196Oct 2019We dagen je uit om tijdens het Weekend van de Wetenschap op onderzoek te gaan. Loop over ons terrein en leer over eigenschappen van verschillende planten, struin het Oosterdok af opzoek naar Haeckel...
Wellant College
Wellantcollege is de grootste vmbo- en mbo-opleider van Europa in voeding, klimaat en welzijn van mens en dier.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Alan Turingschool en Ernst Haeckel
10Apr 2019On the 10th of April group three of the Alan Turingschool visited Mediamatic to watch, to touch, to learn and to do. That day we started with a short introduction about us at Mediamatic Biotoop.
Alan Turingschool
Het concept van de Alan Turingschool is geworteld in de wetenschap, waarbij de leerkracht een centrale rol speelt bij het begeleiden van het leren van leerlingen in hun eigen tempo. De leerkracht...
Orion College
Orion biedt kinderen en jongeren met speciale onderwijsbehoeften in Amsterdam goed (voortgezet) speciaal onderwijs met passende zorg of ambulante begeleiding waardoor zij de best mogelijke kans van...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
24Oct 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Aroma Lab
17Oct 2019Come by every Thursday between 16:00 and 20:00 for a blending session. You will be guided in the making of your own scent and will leave the session with a basic idea of scent composition plus of...