jelina jenny
Am simple girl looking for a gentle and hones man for good friendship also am very kind and gentle well unerstanding i wil make a good hope to you.
Anber Onar
Independent artist, scholar and co-founder of Sidestreets
Matiss Steinerts
producing ships and archi-chips
It makes death look okay!
3D at the Ik R.I.P. opening
3D paid a visit to the Ik R.I.P. opening. See what he experienced. Review taken from the 3D List: Week # 21 Subscribe for this weekly email service at sos.kunst [at] gmail.com
Carole Bemant
Developing international and European wide projects in culture and creative industries- consultancy, support in developing partnerships, funding from public sector, cultural and urban policies...
Isabella Cota
Del interior de su bolso, sacó el arma que traía. Le destellaban los ojos por la furia que sentía, y en medio del alboroto cayó muerto Rentería.
Universiteit Utrecht
Universiteit Utrecht (UU) (Utrecht University) is a large and multifaceted knowledge centre offering high-quality internal education and research.
Malc Dow
Johan Gielen
Media Artist / Independent filmmaker
Currently working on 'The Archive'. A research project which collects subjective information from 1.000 primary school kids. All the information will be put forward and allocated through an online...
The Best of Both Worlds presentations
19Feb 200919Feb 2009On Thursday the 19th of February, the MA graduates of the Master Artistic Research will present their work in W139.
Handmade Electronic Music workshop
A workshop by Nicolas Collins - register now!
Assuming no technical background whatsoever, Handmade Electronic Music carries the participants through a series of sound-producing electronic construction projects, from making simple contact...
Witte de With
Rotterdam Dialogues: the Curators
5Mar 20097Mar 2009The practice of curating is a much discussed topic within the art world, but is often neglected by the media and thus remains largely invisible to the broader public. With our selection of speakers
Dana Safarova
She is an art historian, curator, art manager, has many years of experience in museum work –she was deputy director of Karaganda art museum, presently she is coordinator for educational programs of...
Farah Rahman
Project based assignments like new media workshop concepts, video clips/reports, video/photography and editing, motion graphics, VJ performances and Video Installations.
Kunst, Media en Technologie (HKU)
De Faculteit Kunst, Media & Technologie (KMT) heeft 1100 studenten en 130 docenten en medewerkers. De opleidingen die je aan de Faculteit KMT kunt doen, richten zich op de creatieve industrie. Het...
Femke Deckers
CBK Dordrecht
Welkom! in Wielwijk
6Feb 20091Mar 2009Van 6 februari tot en met 1 maart is er een bijzondere tentoonstelling te zien in Dordrecht. In opdracht van de gemeente Dordrecht presenteren ruim 30 studenten van de Design Academy Eindhoven...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
anyMeta Meeting
7Apr 2009A meeting for editors and webmasters of anyMeta websites. An opportunity to meet each other, and to exhange your knowledge and experiences. Who else is using an anyMeta website and how do they work...
Rebecca Wotzko
googles it.
Hello! I worked at Mediamatic for the Wat Spinoza festival.
Stadschouwburg Amsterdam
New Knowledge
10Feb 200910Feb 2009THE OLD BRAND NEW is an English language interdisciplinary lecture series revolving around the concept ‘new’ in the arts. On the 10th of February with Achille Mbembe, Bracha L. Ettinger and Sarat...
Superster uit de gouden eeuw
Er bestaat slechts één substantie, met één en dezelfde natuur Wie vrij is schrijft zichzelf de wet voor Het doel van de staat is de vrijheid
Saskia Noordhuis
initiator Noordjes Kinderkunst in Amsterdam Noord
Saskia Noordhuis, artistic leader and initiator of Noordjes Kinderkunst (2007).