James Joyce
An Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most influential writers in the modernist avant-garde of the early 20th century.
Book: Harry Mulisch 1 Jan 1968
Het woord bij de daad
Het woord bij de Daad was published in 1968 and is a report of the revolution in Cuba. Mulisch was accused of sympathizing with Castro's regime.
Kosinski, Jerzy
Award-winning Polish-American novelist.
Harry Mulisch
Harry Kurt Victor Mulisch was a Dutch author. He wrote more than 30 novels, plays, essays, poems and philosophical reflections. These have been translated into more than 20 languages.
Book: Kosinski, Jerzy 1 Jan 1970
"One of those rare books which echoes in the mind long after you have finished it. It will survive as a seminal work of the Seventies."--New York Post.
Hesse, Herman
Duitstalige schrijver en dichter. In 1946 kreeg hij de nobelprijs voor literatuur.
Geoffrey Batchen
A prolific author, curator, editor, and a specialist in the theory and history of photography.
Film: Fritz Lang 14 Oct 1953
The Big Heat
A 1953 film noir directed by Fritz Lang, starring Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame, and Lee Marvin.
Timothy Harris
An American author, screenwriter and producer. He has been publishing works of fiction since the late 1960s and has been involved in filmmaking since the early 1980s.
Book: Timothy Harris 1 Jan 1972
De Hondentrip
An American satire about the realm of psychedelics and the modern media.
Robert M. Pirsig
An American writer and philosopher, and author of the philosophical novels Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (1974) and Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (1991).
Book: Robert M. Pirsig 1 Jan 1992
Zen en de kunst van het motoronderhoud
een onderzoek naar waarden
A 1974 philosophical novel, the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores his Metaphysics of Quality. The book sold 5 million copies worldwide.
Book: Bernhard Dotzler 17 May 1996
Versuch über Communication & Control in Literature und Technik
The author takes into account Alan Turing's concept of "paper machines" and outlines a history of the calculating machine from the very beginning of Wilhelm Schickard (1623) to the last pre
Bernhard Dotzler
A German media scholar and university lecturer.
Kevin Kelly
Founding executive editor of Wired magazine, and a former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog. He has also been a writer, photographer, conservationist, and student of Asian and digital...
Raymond Frenken
Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Jan 200829Jan 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...
Anna van Leeuwen
auteur / recensent / redacteur
auteur, recensent, redacteur voor: Kunstbeeld, All About Art + Scenery, Hard//Hoofd
De Appel
Codex Spero
21Jun 2008Nancy Spero geldt als een van de belangrijkste kunstenaars van haar generatie. De tentoonstelling "Spero Speaks", omvat exemplarische werken uit verschillende fasen van Spero's lange...
Erica Baltimore
fine art photographer,fashion,theater, dance performances. I make images of people in staged environments with a narrative character I draw my inspiration from my own reminiscene,fashion,film,theater
Menno Heling
wil haar Special Sauce ontmoeten
Daphne de Vries