Performance: Frascati
Pushing Air
7Feb 200711May 2007Op zoek naar het sublieme, met het kwetsbare menselijk lichaam als begrenzing.
Davy T.
Student Communicatiewetenschappen Marketing-specialist E-design lover
De Unie
Sous l'éclat des lampes
20Jan 2007Een eigentijds concert voor zang, stem en piano.
SM's - Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
Karl Fritsch
21Jan 200725Mar 2007Uitreiking Françoise van den Bosch Prijs aan sieraadontwerper Karl Fritsch.
yvonne yuen
Party: Club 8
15Dec 200616Dec 2006Een nieuwe avond in Amsterdam, waarin bands en dj's in symbiose de dansvloer van inhoud voorzien.
Workshop: Mediamatic Post CS
Workshop Origami
14Dec 2006On this evening artist and origamist Stephanie Pan taught you how to create almost anything out of a couple of sheets of paper and a bit of patience.
Performance: Stadsschouwburg Eindhoven
Een schitterend gebrek
29Oct 2006Toneelgroep De Tijd speelt in bewerking en onder regie van Jurge Delnaet en Lucas Vandervost.
Party: Club 8
27Oct 2006Pivkids is een nieuwe 'do it yourself' indie disco rave party in Club8, die de nadruk legt op alles waar je in de jaren negentig niet voor uit durfde te komen.
Trumpet and friends
26Oct 2006Op donderdag 26 oktober om 20:30 presenteert STEIM een concertavond ‘Trompet en vrienden’ van Mazen Kerbaj en zijn gasten
Exhibition: OutLINE
The artists' artists
28Oct 200625Nov 2006Aflevering twee van 'the artists' artists', the guest curator selection.
Exhibition: Annet Gelink Gallery
With the first Totters
21Oct 20069Dec 2006Kunstenaar Victor Man toont nieuw werk, zonder de extravagantie op te zoeken die dikwijls in bomen gevonden wordt.
Petra Blaisse
designer of interiors and exteriors
Het werk van de Nederlandse ontwerper Petra Blaisse heeft een interdisciplinair karakter. Zij werkt in uiteenlopende disciplines zoals textiel-, landschap- en tentoonstellingsontwerpen.
Mediamatic Post CS
Tables and chairs
12Jun 200612Jun 2006A domestic salon about (il)legal chairs, animated tables, and Romanians you can't get out of the living room. On Otaku, Doringer vs Acconci's Illegal Chair Project , the interface-free RFID media...
Nighttown Theater
Motel Mozaïque
13Apr 200616Apr 2006Another heavenly edition of our favorite odd and ends festival in Rotterdam. With this year the opportunity to sleep in a church and to have a guided tour of Rotterdam by a local, and the confirmed...
Jan van Eyck Academie
Symposium on the Pensive Image
31Mar 2006Ultimately, photography is subversive not when it frightens, repels or even stigmatizes, but when it is pensive, when it thinks. - Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida With lectures by James Elkins (Art...
Exhibition: de Rietlanden Exposities
3Mar 200614May 2006Fotoserie van de dansvoorstelling FOLD van Dansgroep Krisztina de Chatel
Performance: Mediamatic Post CS
practicum 06a concert 4
1Jan 200631Dec 2006It was the fourth night of practicum 06a. Tonight was all about the Sonic Acts N event Warm Up and Cool Down Party. Featuring Morten J. Olsen, Fredrik Hana, Anders Hana, Camilla Milena Feher, Sylvi...
Artist's strategies in public space
2Dec 2005With presentations by the artists Dennis Adams, Lara Almarcegui, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Hans van Houwelingen, Architecture of Interaction, Superflex and Barbara Visser. Organized by Lectoraat Kunst en...
Arti et Amicitiae
me, myself and i
18Nov 200530Nov 2005An exhibition with more than one hundred German, Dutch and other artists showing self portraits. Parallel to the show is the web exhibition of me, myself and i, as presented by Inhalexhale. Opening...
27Nov 200527Nov 2005Don't feel guilty anymore because you are going shopping on Sunday. Don't be bored anymore because you must go shopping on Sunday. SALE# will offer you material and mental comfort products.
De Kwebbelplek
26Oct 2005Up for auction is the Kwebbelplek, which amongst other things consists of 15 painted floorparts.
Lezingenreeks Nieuwe Media In Nederland
28Sep 2005Woensdag 28 september: lezing door Michiel Scheffer Mode en technologie Tijd & Plaats: 16.00u HvA Weesperzijde 190 (naast amstelstation, Amsterdam), zaal C01.04 (eerste verdieping), vrij entree voor...
Wearable Futures
14Sep 200516Sep 2005This two day International conference will aim to contextualise the future potential of Wearable Technologies in a variety of fields ranging from military application to fine art.