Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Thorwald Voss, Suzanne Bernhardt
21Nov 201824Nov 2018This upcoming Neo Futurist Dinner focuses on the desire to connect with the ground beneath our feet. With each course, artist Suzanne Bernhardt and chef Thorwald Voss dive deeper into the earth
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet Zeger Reyers
19Apr 2018A new breed of artists is on the rise. They work with living matter, nature and have a strong emphasis in biology and life sciences. In this emerging field of Bio-Art and Design there’s need for...
Anna Davis
Anna Davis is content writer specializing at travelling and archiecture as blogger. After finishing New York University she established her career as journalist and freelance author. She is...
Simone Vos
EM specialist at Agriton
Simone is part of the 'Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief'. She knows all about sustainable farming using foodwaste.
Robotics and Interspecies Communication
17Jun 2016A conversation with Ian Ingram and Clemens Driessen.
Tobias Revell
International renowned exhibiting artist
Designer, exhibiting artist, and researcher for technological interactions and communications.
Sonam Sharma
I am Sonam Sharma from india where tradition and love matter alot compare to money
The Mediamatic Sluisdeurenloods
A cultural landmark
The Sluisdeurenloods or 'Canal Lock Gate Warehouse' was originally built at the end of the 19th century, before being dismantled, moved, and reconstructed at Dijkspark in 1957. The building is now...
Forest Bathing
7Apr 20169Apr 2016Developing digital technologies for the enhancement of sensory experience
Symbiotic Machines
29Apr 201630Apr 2016how to adapt a machine to natural systems
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Zeger Reyers
Hard Water
18Sep 2015Is it plates growing in between plants, or plants growing in between plates? Hard Water is an installation that consists of a thousand plates, soil and plants 'growing' on the exterior wall of...
Regina Schroeter
Studying communication design in Munich i came to Amsterdam to broaden my horizon working at Mediamatic. Rethinking my career path i maybe want to go into urban design/ planning after my bachelor.
Regina José Galindo
Performance artist from Guatemala
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Ruud All Over
31Oct 201524Jan 2016This installation shows hundreds of Ruud van der Peijl’s photographs infiltrating the city of Amsterdam. By replacing the advertisements at bus and tram stops Ruud's work is shown within the urban...
Machine Wilderness
2Nov 2015Explore emerging hybrid ecologies where nature, technology and art intertwine.
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
BuitenBios BLOB op het Kunstfort
4Sep 20155Sep 2015BuitenBios BLOB is weer terug op het Kunstfort!
Hyde Park joins Pis'Project
Kamiel Rongen Utilizes Urine and Urinals in New Piece
Audio-visual artist, Kamiel Rongen, is back and busy working on his newest creation, right here at Mediamatic Biotoop. Followers of the BioTalk series may recognize the artist, whom goes by the...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Yoga op het Fort
16Aug 2015De gehele zomer zijn er Prepping Workshops vanwege de tentoonstelling Gimme Shelter op het Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.
Pissing in the Park
Masterclass Place Branding
Christian Pagh is one of the top designers in Europe when it comes to public convenience for both men and women. In two weeks Christian is visiting Amsterdam to give an exclusive Masterclass on Place...
Scholeksters even terug op het dak
Dinsdagmiddag klonk opeens weer dat onmiskenbare scholekstergeluid: tepiet-tepiet-tepiet. Snel naar boven gerend en ja hoor, beide ouders met hun laatste overgebleven jong waren even terug op hun...
In het begin bij de aanleg van de polders werd er nog niet aan natuurontwikkeling gedaan. Dat is later helemaal anders geworden. Lees hier de verhalen over de natuur in Flevoland.
Natuur volop aanwezig in Flevoland!
Landschapsbeheer Flevoland
Ooggetuigen over de geschiedenis van het Flevolandse landschap.
De visie van de ontginners en eerste bewoners op het landschap en de natuur van onze bijzondere provincie, is niet eerder vastgelegd. Reden voor Landschapsbeheer Flevoland om hier een bijzonder...