63 ROB
STEIM STEIM, Jonathan Reus
Composing Live Visuals with Isadora
21Apr 201222Apr 2012Learn how to compose visuals and control, manipulate and perform your media in real-time. Create a personalized interface for VJ/DJ style live performance of video and sound.
16Mar 2012Three artists/musicians will perform after which DJ's will play all night long
Festival: WhyNot #3
23Mar 201225Mar 2012WHYNOT #3: een driedaags dansfestival dat je – naast dans en choreografie – ook kunst installaties, korte films, performance, workshop en feest brengt. WhyNot: moving, movement and being moved.
Galerie Fons Welters
Solo-exhibition: Hedwig Houben
9Mar 201214Apr 2012How can one describe an image, justify the artistic process and make decisions along the way?
2b not 2b?
2B or not 2B? It seeks to engage the audience, the public, the viewer-as-subject in providing an answer in what could be a matter of multi-species survival.
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Smell This!
15Mar 2012Witness the decomposition of Chanel No. 5, sniff out a partner, taste with your nostrils, and more treats for the nose. With Sissel Tolaas, Susana Soares and Maki Ueda. Opening: Caro Verbeek.
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
QR-Code Ministeck Workshop
8Mar 2012In this workshop you'll learn what QR-codes are, how they work, how they're used and most importantly, how you can make one in a fun analogue way. Since we are always trying to make connections...
Op de Valreep
2Mar 2012A night of various musicians, music and people @ op de Valreep, former animal shelter in Amsterdam-Oost.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Radiant Picnic Party
4Mar 2012We've filled up our picnic baskets, packed our most colorful towel and went to a summer party on Sunday March 4. In addition to the exhibition Radiant Beach, we had a blast in the warmth of the...
De Verdieping
FIBER festival 2012 – Sharing Signals
24Mar 2012Audiovisual network festival FIBER is preparing to once again merge different worlds into one unified interdisciplinary experience of (visual) art and music on March 24th 2012 at ‘De Verdieping’
Presentation: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Hope Step Japan!
11Mar 2012On Sunday March 11, exactly one year after the devastating earthquake and the nuclear disaster that followed, there was a moment of reflection at Mediamatic Bank. The disaster has had a profound...
Huis Marseille
Guy Tillim / Second Nature
2Mar 2012“My journeys have been idiosyncratic, often purposeless, not so much to commit journalism as to travel for its own sake.”
Melkweg Theater
Troupe en Nuit #2 @ Ctrl + Alt + Dance
3Mar 2012Collectief Theatertroep treedt op in de theaterzaal terwijl beneden wordt gedanst: met 1 ticket toegang tot twee werelden!
WeAreVoid - March Introduction
2Mar 2012Come see the works of Void's March artists, enjoy the music and drinks!
Normaal Gesproken
28Feb 20122Mar 2012Theatertroep speelt: "Normaal Gesproken" met o.a. tekst van Rijnders & Handke.
John Butler
1Mar 2012A showing of alarming, short clips that call into mind infomercials and Public Announcements: to John Butler it’s the most appropriate medium to criticize our current conditions of existence.
De Nieuwe Anita
Literanita #13
23Feb 2012Een tweemaandelijkse literaire avond in de Nieuwe Anita.
Annabel Storm
Ik duik in vijf projecten tegelijk en kom met twaalf nieuwe plannen boven water. Een beknopte samenvatting van hoe ik werk. Wat en waarom is van later zorg.
CircleGallery 18 Feb 2012
18Feb 2012Een eendaags evenement waar duurzame ondernemers, creatieve artiesten en lekkerbekken hun ambachtelijke producten en artistieke creaties verkopen of mogen komen proeven.
Guus van Beelen
KIJKDOOS *12 [ANTARCTICA] Johannes Verwoerd
OPENING Friday 17 February • 17.00
CCDEKIJKDOOS.BLOGSPOT.COM OPENING Friday 17 February • 17.00 KIJKDOOS *12 [ANTARCTICA] Johannes Verwoerd johannesverwoerd.nl KIJKDOOS COMMENT [GILLES VAN DER LOO] gillesvanderloo.com COME JOIN US FOR...
Suzan Kalle