Julia van der Veen

Identity Mediamatic

Personality and visual style

This is a brief introduction into the identity of Mediamatic. It gives an insight into the personality, and interests. These values can be used as a guide for all ends of the organisation, from developing new programs, to creating material for external communication.


Spinoza Braaf A1 poster (logo Rijksoverheid) - "Waarom doe jij wat je gevraagd wordt?" . Dit is geen uiting van de Rijksoverheid. sms 'braaf' en je antwoord naar 06 - 15317109, surf naar www.watspinoza.nl/braaf of bezoek de WatSpinoza? tentoonstelling, Vijzelstraat 68.

Since 1983 Mediamatic focusses on

Open source
In art.

Our current interests include but do not limit to

sustainability, art, biology, science, food, senses, smell, taste, perfume, plants, growing, animals, nature, fermenting, design, death, secretions, waste.

We tend to be

Eager to learn
Against the grain
And sometimes provocative

We are constantly active, 

and we want to activate our visitors.

Learning by doing is a big motto, as is DIY.

House Style

Georgia, left aligned.
For the complete Huisstijl Handboek look here