Message from the Supervisory Board

A new era for Mediamatic

Dear visitors, artists, friends, colleagues, stakeholders, critical observers, fans, sponsors, supporters and all others involved.


Mediamatic en RFID Team winnen SpinAward 2008 - Jans Possel en Willem Velthoven van Mediamatic nemen op 2 april 2009 in de Westergasfabriek de zilveren SpinAward in ontvangst voor de ikTag en interactieve Social RFID games, in de categorie Beste Innovatie. 2 april 2009: Mediamatic won samen met een team van 35 kunstenaars en ontwerpers de zilveren SpinAward in de categorie Beste Innovatie, voor de ikTag en interactieve Social RFID Games. Michel Langendijk

Mediamatic is facing an important turning point.

Mediamatic's founders Jans Possel and Willem Velthoven reached the average age of 70 this summer.

After 40 years, it is time to pass on the baton.

Willem and Jans thank all the colleagues and creators they have worked with over the years.

Thanks to their involvement and commitment, Mediamatic has grown into a fantastic place.

Jans and Willem are no longer operationally or policy-wise involved in the new version of Mediamatic, but remain available for knowledge transfer and heritage.

The team is now working on future plans with director Marcel Sturing.

We will share more soon on how we will look back on 40 years of Mediamatic with Jans and Willem with great gratitude.

We would like to thank everyone for the past 40 years and look forward to what awaits us in the next 40.

On behalf of the Supervisory Board and team,
Hajo Doorn


Redactie Mediamatic Magazine in 1988 - Posing with cigarettes and wine in 20th century romantisation of editorial practice. In the late 80, smoking was still allowed in the Mediamatic office and some of the editors actually did it too! This was in the second Amsterdam office at Entrepot Dok, actually the address was Binnenkadijk 191, 1018ZE Amsterdam. The image shows two rotary dial Ericsson t77 phones and an Olivetti typewriter next to an Atari ST computer.


Willem ontvangt Oeuvreprijs Vormgeving van Fonds BKVB - Willem Velthoven ontvangt de Oeuvreprijs vormgeving 2009 van het Fonds BKVB Hannie van Herk


Testing Serres Séparées at Mediamatic ETEN during lock-down - Safer water side dining in Amsterdam Soon after the first lock-down was lifted, we offered plant-based dinner in our greenhouses on the Amsterdam water side of the Oosterdok. We were testing the setup whilst waiting for permission to re-open our restaurant and art space. Of course, these chambres séparées are recommended only for people that are already living together. The Serres Séparées became a world famous example of how design can inspire new ways of working. Photo taken at Mediamatic ETEN in Biotoop Dijkspark during our… Anne Lakeman


Energetica Salon, Theremin entr’act - Speciale Energetica Salon met een rondleiding door het museum Energetica, waarbij kunstenaars en specialisten presentaties geven over hun favoriete elektronische voorwerp. Met o.a. Dirk van Weelden over de Gaslamp, Eric Wie over de stofzuiger, Sasker Scheerder over de booglamp, Rein Jansma over de lift en Willem Velthoven over de Tesla Coil. En een concert voor 2 theremins + computer uitgevoerd door Zhana Ivanova, Jans Possel en James Beckett. EnergeticA Museum, 19 februari 2006


Waiting to get in to the El HEMA - At the opening of El HEMA there was a line around the block to get in. Director Willem Velthoven in his green Kosher / Halal T-shirt is tired but clearly very happy with the big succes. El HEMA was an arabic language and script version of the ubiquitous Dutch HEMA department store. It started as a spoof project that got a lot of attention when de real HEMA organisation tried to block it at first and then turned around to support the project. It attracted over 50.000 visitors at its first…