14May 200511Jun 2005Anne-Marie Jetten, Marlies Spaan and Tjalko Lokhorst present their spring designs.
Physical Metadata
tag, tagged, taggers, tagees
Classifying objects is no longer a responsibility for a torturous team of meticulous librarians. On the internet, users freely classify each others websites, images and texts by adding tags, which...
Haags Filmhuis
+1 MomentaaN
28Apr 2005Merel van 't Hullenaar & Niels Vis have created the second installation that is to fill Room 5, as part of the Workspace '05 Project Prize.
Emergent Narrative
What is the specific quality of interactive stories?
It is helpful to make a difference between two notions of interactivity: - interactivity as a quality of a system (that can be a story space) - interactivity as a user experience How can stories be...
Filmmuseum Cinerama
Spinvis: De Explicateur
10Apr 2005met ook andere mannen erbij
Jan van Eyck Academie
Film and Biopolitics
14Apr 200516Apr 2005The conference will approach post-classical and post-avant-garde film work from a biopolitical viewpoint.
13Apr 200518Apr 200528 designers from the Design Academy in Eindhoven present their natural affinity for pattern, control and regulation.
Presentation: Tivoli
Cinema pour l'oreille
31Mar 2005The cinematic aspects of sound are explored by the IMPAKT crowd, while they temporarily put image on the second place or even ignore it completely.
Dorkbot Eindhoven call for entries
6Apr 2005Dorkbot Eindhoven (part of the larger, global Dorkbot) is a small organization that aims to offer a platform for nerds, dorks, engineers, designers, inventors, artists and students to present their...
De prikklok gezet
een avond performance-jes kijken tijdens Re-enact
Tien jaar nadat Janine Antoni de vloer aan dweilde met haar in zwarte verf gedoopte haren en het publiek zo de ruimte van De Appel uitzwiepte, werd in het Amsterdamse Post CS het publiek met luid...
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Schiphol
Mondriaan & de Stijl
24Mar 20059May 2005Primary works by Mondriaan, Van der Leck and Van Doesburg will be in Schiphol to bear the essence of de Stijl.
Witte de With
Life, Once More
27Jan 200527Mar 2005As performance art ages, more and more artist reperform performances as performed by the pioneers of performance art. But how do these reperformances fit in this contemporary context, or what...
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Anri Sala
27Jan 200520Feb 2005Anri Sala is the Artist in Focus during the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2005. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen presents recent video installations and photos from this French, Albanian-born...
De Vleeshal
15Jan 200528Mar 2005useless cunts, cowboy seeking girl, and big pink pig art exhibition.
MIT Museum
Visualizing Physics, phase 2
16Feb 200517Feb 2005Get an insider’s view of how MIT is redesigning the way it teaches physics. Technology-enabled active learning (TEAL, to those in the know) merges lectures, hands-on desktop experiments, and cutting
The Definition of Conceptual
somewhat of a review concerning a debate on the value of concept.
In the invitation Premsela sent out for their New Year's reception was the following: "Concept and Conceptual; the most used and especially abused words in the jargon of art, design and architecture.
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Site-analyse & Usability
31Jan 20051Feb 2005Workshop website improvement. Een workshop voor mensen die een website ontworpen hebben of beheren en niet helemaal tevreden zijn met het resultaat. Tijdens de workshop kijk je kritisch naar je...
Oude Kerk
Rietveld in de Oude Kerk
8Jan 200539 Leerlingen van Voorheen Audiovisueel en Beeldende Kunst stallen alvast hun eindexamenwerk uit.
Rocket Clip Festival: Old music, New films
19Dec 2004Meer dan 20 nieuwe videoclips op de bestaande muziek van Jack the Ripper en Demolition Man.
27Jan 2005USAISAMONSTER (usa) + VIALKA (fra) + KOONDA HOLAA (usa)
De Balie
Rocket Cinema: Jungle Book
29Dec 2004De allerlaatste Rocket Cinema Productie! New Cool Collective gaan met hun negen koppen over de techicolor Jungle Book heen spelen, met Wilfried de Jong als verteller.
Capricious #2 Launch Party
18Dec 200419Dec 2004Some drinks, some dancing, and the second Capricious, a tear-out photography magazine that is nowhere near fashion or artsiness.
Bernadette Corporation
Underground Art
Conceived as a structure for group activity and the development of individual talents.
Ruud van der Peijl
Stylist/ Photographer
Ruud van der Peijl was born in The Hague in 1960 and lived till 17 september 2021. After training as a fashion designer at the Utrecht School of the Arts, he was one of the founders of Gletcher, the...