nicole uniquole
Denis Oudendijk
the world without a manual
korte opsomming(vlnr) (vlnr) geeft alles een andere functie.(vlnr) produceert middelen t.b.v. gelukzaligheid(vlnr) werkt op projectbasis(vlnr) produceert unica aan de lopende band(vlnr) vind van...
Montreal, Canada
There is archaeological evidence of various nomadic native peoples occupying the island of Montreal for at least 2,000 years before the arrival of Europeans. The St. Lawrence Iroquoians established...
Abrar Al-Musallam
Im a student at the American University in Dubai, and I will be doing my internship at Mediamatic this summer, working on El Hema project.
Come Out and Play
Seeking Street Games
Make sure your game sounds fun and interesting. We like innovative use of public space. We like games which make people interact in new ways. We like games that alter your perception of your...
Alex Myers
er... I graduated from the MFA IME program at the Frank Mohr Institute. now I'm in the states teaching New Media and Games Design at the University of Nebraska in Omaha. more random things sprinkled...
Exhibition: Leidsche Rijn Utrecht
Art Camp
28Jun 20071Jul 2007Van donderdag 28 juni t/m zondag 1 juli 2007 vindt de jaarlijkse examenexpositie van faculteit BKV plaats. Na vier jaar tonen studenten beeldende kunst en vormgeving aan de buitenwereld hun werk.
Presentation: Uilenburger Synagoge
Edo Smitshuijzen
14Jun 2007Presentation and lecture by designer Edo Smitshuijzen.
Gianluca Mura
Exhibition: De Klokkenberg
Residentie de Klokkenberg
15Jun 200717Jun 2007U bent van harte welkom bij de tentoonstelling Residentie De Klokkenberg.
Fab Architecture
Architectural Internship
fab-architecture.nl seeks intern
Specialized in: Urban design, Architecture (a unique appearance); still needs improvements, Interior design (eventually productdesign).
Shelter Me
Design a temporary emergency shelter for deployment in a natural disaster
In the past two years, widespread catastrophic events have called forth large-scale relief efforts throughout both urban and rural areas of the world. How would you design an emergency relief...
Exhibition: Museum Hilversum
Niet beschreven ruimte
25May 20071Jan 2008De tentoonstelling geeft een overzicht van het oeuvre van Koen van Velsen, inclusief enkele projecten die nog uitgevoerd moeten worden, zoals het station van Breda.
Christine Saalfeld
Mariusz Drozdz
user experience design and research
Since 1998 I work in SFeRa modern media solutions - interactive agency located in Lodz (Poland), as user-experience designer. My key competencies in this broad area are: information architecture
Exhibition: NAi Maastricht
Een autodidact wordt wereldster
12May 20072Sep 2007Een buitenkans om in Nederland kennis te maken met een revolutionair ontwerper én ondernemer.
Matthijs Bouw
Matthijs Bouw is an architect and urban planner. He directs the Amsterdam firm One Architecture, and is the professor i.V. of Gebäudelehre und Grundlagen des Entwerfens at the RWTH Aachen.
baukje spaltro
Marc Boumeester
After his studies he got involved in the process of film-making. Since the early nineties he has worked for various major television- and film-producing companies and realized over 60 products
Marian Stefan
Clear sight , subtext , perception, order , mixing , remix , next , sometimes ,makeup , upload , congestion, fiction , reaction, action, inside , paralel, flux ,situation, VR , touch, reaserch, trend, public,font,layer, line , content , structure.
Marian Stefan has arrived in amsterdam in 2006 .After a traveling around Europe for a couple of years he made the decision to start all over in a multicultural place . He likes architecture , art
Exhibition: Virtueel Platform
Presentatie Vrije Ruimten Artists In Residence
1Jun 200712Jun 2007De afgelopen maanden hebben zes kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland op de Zuidas in Amsterdam gewoond en gewerkt in de residencies van het VMZ om respons te geven op de ontwikkelingen in het gebied.
Lecture: Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
Lezing: Hemel en Kuit
8May 2007Op dinsdag 8 mei geven Mark Hemel en Barbara Kuit van het bureau Information Based Architecture een lezing in de serie ARCAM in de Brakke Grond.
Paul Derksen
Taco de Neef