Performance: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Are all lives equal?
16Jul 2016Do you value some lives above others? Špela Petric's Miserables Machine: Soot-o-Mat is an artistic installation which questions the notion of equality between living organisms. Coming Saturday you...
Wouter Hassing
Mushroom Expert
Wouter is an expert mycologist and owner of the Mycophilia. He also currently leads the Growing Mushrooms workshops at Mediamatic.
Sjef Brok
Sjef Brok is director at Ediks. Ediks is a company that makes vinegar that may not be called vinegar.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Zuursalon: Let's talk Vinegar
8Jul 2016Ever wondered what that strange layer of growth on top of your vinegar was? 'Mother of Vinegar' is a cellulose and acetic acid bacteria substance which ferments alcohol into vinegar. At this edition...
Manfred Meeuwig
Manfred Meeuwig knows everything about vinegar, oils and mustards. Each year they import tens of thousands of litres of top quality extra virgin olive oil from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
25Jun 2016Far from limiting itself to the manipulation of existing genomes, synthetic biology aims to both redesign life and create the unnatural, in accordance with the principles of engineering. BIO-FICTION...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Tune in to the Non-Human
16Jun 2016How can we interact with the Non-Human? Humans depend on their senses to perceive their environment. But what happens if an additional factor is added to our perception? Tonight we will explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Public Intimacy: the Masterclass
1Jul 2016The body has an amazingly intricate system for eliminating waste. In the animal kingdom some creatures use urination as a powerful form of communication, but we humans have become increasingly...
Linde van Beers
Myco Insulation Brewery Team
My name is Linde van Beers and I am a student of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology, currently doing an internship 'designing with living organisms' at MediaMatic.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Workshop: Grow Your Own Materials
1Jun 2016It is said that the mushroom, and especially Mycelium has the potential to replace all sorts of (harmful) materials like plastics and batteries. Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural...
Brew Your Own Beer!
Clean Lab Brew Team Workshop: Saturday May 21
The Mediamatic staff teamed up to brew a delicious selection of beers: Wheat Saison, American Amber Ale, and Chocolate Milk Stout.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Material Metamorphosis
26May 2016The speakers of this Biotalk will make us revalue certain materials in life we take for granted. How come all over the world there are chicken materials in consumer products that we don't know of?
Biotalk: Material Metamorphosis
Thursday May 26. Public Lecture 20:30 - 22:00
How can we transform the meaning of so called 'waste' into useful objects? At this edition of the Biotalk, two designers and a scientist will tell us how they are re-using materials which otherwise...
Fungal Futures
Exhibition at Utrecht University
Oude Hortus, Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht | March 24 - May 16 2016 A collaborative project between Utrecht University, Officina Corpuscoli and Mediamatic.
Sarah-Linda Forrer
Sarah-Linda is a material, textile and product designer based in Amsterdam.
Emilie van Spronsen
Emilie graduated in 2015 as an Industrial Design Engineer at TU Delft. She explores the existing interactions between people, products and materials.
Bio Clean Lab Layout (old)
Floor and wallplan
The Bio Clean lab is a tidily organised space where many projects are worked on simultaneously. That means that appropriate storage and object placement is paramount for all collaborations. The Clean...
Bio Clean Lab Inventory
The things you can expect to find
Find out here about the standard equipment, what you will get to use when you come work here, and what stuff you will have to bring yourself or buy in the new Bio Art Supply Store.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Bio Lab Training
18May 2016The laboratory is obviously not your standard workplace, and comes with its own set of rules and safety measures. This training is a fun and informative way of familiarising with this special...
Follow your beak
Natural nasal navigation in nautical natives
Imagine being a gull in your natural habitat: hovering over a great sea. Waves that constantly change shape, no points of recognition whatsoever, just a blue world above as well as below. How would...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Masterclass: Prototyping Bodies
28May 2016How will environmental pressures impact our malleable body? And what can we do to guide human evolution? Join in the masterclass with Bio-artist Agi Haines (winner 2015 BAD award) and prototype the...
Meet the Myco Insulation Brewery Team
Part 1: The Brew Team
Find out more about Hugo and Isa, the current team responsible for the beer brewing activities of the the Mediamatic Myco Insulation Brewery.
Transnatural Art & Design
The Soil Movement
25Apr 201626Aug 2016The Soil Movement exhibition investigates new ways of revitalizing severe damaged ecosystems focusing on soil in the first chapter. The exhibited projects explore how to restore these damaged...
Copy: Biotalk: Eat-a-ble
Thursday April 21. Public Lecture 20:30 - 22:00
Psychological disorder, or genius diet? Geophagy is the practice of eating soil, while contatto is a new culinary culture that proposes a new approach to the materiality of food. Artist Masha Ru...