Duco Volker
Fotograaf en (interactieve) media produkties.
Nederland Leest
Nederland Ontwerpt
Ontwerp je eigen boekomslag voor De grote zaal van Jacoba van Velde en win het boek met je eigen cover! Tijdens de grootste landelijke leescampagne Nederland Leest staat dit jaar De grote zaal van...
22 year old Advertising, Marketing & Communications -student.
Aly Ashraf
Business Development Manager
Rima Beydoun Mouzannar
An interview with Lynn Amhaz
Homesick for Noord
We met with Lynn Amhaz, who is part of the Mapping for Tourists travel guide design team.
communication designer, hectic eclectic, curious, musictechnically complex. punt.
Public Art
In 2001, Claes Oldenburg was inspired by the vast amount of giant plastic ice cream cones, used as advertising along Cologne's shopping streets. When he was commissioned by a shopping mall in Cologne...
Gentrification Battlefield
The non-Noorderner is advancing in Amsterdam-Noord. Ten years ago only the occasional explorer would dare to cross the water, taking a headquarters in an old conquered warehouse on the NDSM-wharf.
Yuri Veerman
witgewassen werkelijkheid
I remix the remix, to turn it back to normal.
NDSM Kinetisch Noord
Onto the massive NDSM shipyard, the Kunststad (‘artcity’) arose: a diverse collection of ateliers, housing over 250 artists. Take a walk around the site and enjoy the organized chaos of printers
Travel guide
A subjective travel guide to The Netherlands
This is the first Arabic travel guide to The Netherlands. It is about Amsterdam-Noord. We made this guide during the summer of 2010 with a group of editors and a team of 22 artists from Egypt, the...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
11Sep 20109Nov 201022 artists made work in and about Amsterdam-Noord. The exhibition Noord could be visited in the Mediamatic Bank . Here are some pictures of the exhibition.
Different locations
Forget the Film, Watch the Titles
19Sep 201026Oct 2010Fall 2010, the program will be screen in 12 cities in The Netherlands. Premiere: Rialto, Amsterdam on 19 September, 7.45 pm.
Thank you
Everyone who helped put Noord on the map
Our project team, the artists and designers, sponsors, friends, Noorderlingen and other informers.
Douwe Schmidt
PR & Communicatie bij Greenhost, blogging @ Bits of Freedom
Pixel activism @ Greenhost and De Correspondent. Reading, writing and thinking about data, profiles and the profiliration of our digital alterego
I heart نورد
Project: TypeFreaks
Het Groot Dictee der Typografie!
Totaal-Typografie zoals nog niet eerder getoond en beleefd.
Typefreaks is een innitiatief van Marjolijn Stappers (grafisch vormgeefster www.marjolijnstappers.nl), Joke Mestdag (grafisch vormgeefster www.nieuweklasse.org) en Herman Geurts (beeldmaker).