Image: Anisa Xhomaqi, Pavèl van Houten 17-11-2016 Stofpluizen - Taken at the window at… 17 November - 01 December 2016. What does dust actually consist of? An accumlulation of human and animal cells, ashes, hair, soot, mold, fibers, pollen? Artist Pavèl van Houten sees value the non
Image: Anisa Xhomaqi, Pavèl van Houten 17-11-2016 Stofpluizen - Taken at the window at… 17 November - 01 December 2016. What does dust actually consist of? An accumlulation of human and animal cells, ashes, hair, soot, mold, fibers, pollen? Artist Pavèl van Houten sees value the non