Arne Hendriks

Primrose to Pigeon Tower

Gregory Bateson famously asked: ‘What is the pattern that connects the crab to the lobster and the primrose to the orchid, and all of them to me, and me to you?’

It is this very inquiry into the nature of how everything is connected so central to Bateson's life that also lies underneath the existence of the waste mycelium pigeon towers that have emerged in the center of Amsterdam, in and around Mediamatic. Rather then asking the question, the pigeon towers in their very existence, allow us to experience how the simple act of infusing the environment with living matter initiates a proces of increasing complexity and connection of the various feedback loops within a very local barely living environment. Each element plays a part. Each element has 'mind', as Bateson would say, in such that it self-organises the different relationships which it holds within the pigeon tower assemblage. So basically the spider that makes a home for itself within the straw and mycelium environment is an open circuit