ora ruven

Artist live and work in Tel Aviv, Israel, P8gallery founder


Ora Ruven.JPG - ora ruven

As an art gallery manager, I look for cooperation with artists and galleries world wide.

As an artist dealing with naked men I look for other women artists doing "the same"

Where in art can I see this simple occurrence - a women's sexual attraction to a man? Is a woman's sexual attraction to a man so rare that it can not be found in art? All the more so, if it is such a trivial and common issue! Every topic on earth, from the trivial to the extraordinary, has received an expression in art, so where is this passion? Where is the love of a woman to a man?

My project deals with a woman gaze at naked men. First, I painted my naked man. I uploaded the oil paintings to my website. Than men applied to me: "paint me, I want to pose for you". I Invited these men to my studio, photographed them, I shot video, and painted them.
My sexual attraction expression became a woman gaze at men, naked men, men who want to expose their nakedness to me.

Looking the era brought forth new spirits of sexual freedom and equality, Very rarely did women use it to depict the male nude. When they did, it was their revolt which was at the heart of their work. Many of them painted distorted, horrifying, pathetic or repulsive men. By so they expressed their patriarchal history which didn't leave any room for empathy, eroticism, or love the love of a woman to a man.

Contact informatie

  • ora ruven
  • Poriya 8
  • Tel Aviv Jaffa
  • IL