What if?

The MediaLAB and Your Own Reality (YOR) are looking for artstudents who have original ideas for a virutal exhibition of 3D-art in the public space

What if you can out your artwork anywhere? What if you don't even have to take gravity into consideration? What would your artwork look like? The MediaLAB and YOR are looking for artstudents who have original ideas. They want to exhibit virtual 3D-art in the public space. These works will be visible with the mobile application Layar for the iPhone and Anfroid-based smartphones. Delivering concepts and drawings is sufficient. Curators from the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam will select around 15 entries. When needed YOR will provide you with guidance for creating 3D.


What If? - source

What are they looking for?

THey are looking for art students who know how to create a proper interpretation. YOR wants to exhibit virtual 3D-artworks in the public space that are visible with the mobile application Layar for the iPhone and Android-based smartphones.

Specifications and features

• Virtual 3D-artwork for augmented reality exhibition on the Museumplein in Amsterdam.
• We will view the artworks through mobile augmented reality browser Layar, available for Android en iPhone.
• When needed, YOR will provide the students with certain guidance for creating 3D with free open source animation software Blender.
• It’s also possible to hand in concepts and concept drawings. These concepts and sketches will be realized in 3D by YOR, provided that the required specifications are met.
• If you decide to realize your own 3D, please take these specifications into consideration:
- maximum of 10.000 faces
- no transparancy
- use of textures due to color difference and overexposure iPhone (when compared with Android)
- please notice: the rounder the shapes, the higher the complexity and the higher the amount of faces
• We are looking for 25 to 30 art students/participants.
• Actual exhibition of 15 artworks on the Museumplein


• Introductionary afternoon for those interested.
• A first design needs to be handed in on April 24, in order for YOR to discuss the progress (with the curators).
• The deadline for the final concept is May 7. YOR will have close contact with the participants and will make short video-biographies. It’s also possible to hand in initial designs for testing purposes on the Museumplein.
• Starting May 7, the curators from the Stedelijk Museum will eventually select 15 artworks.
• Exhibition will take place halfway through May. (Date yet to be confirmed.)


Interested in making a virtual augmented artwork? You can apply at the website.