James Taylor


just me - James Taylor

They say good things come to those who wait. I am on here to find my own soul mate. I am new on here and this is my first time with online dating. I am a very passionate, loving, honest, and a caring man with a great sense of humor.

No one is perfect and I am not looking for the perfect somebody. I am just looking for the perfect woman for me. Someone that will make me whole or should I call her my missing rib.

Life is just too short to be unhappy. We needed to be happy all the time by making every minute count and by also making people around us happy. Just like the saying, "You can't be happy unless you making someone special to you happy/people around you happy".

God is my first priority, followed by my family and then my job is next. I read my bible all the time and do say my prayer to God everyday to lead me in the right way. You should have belief in God so that this would work for us because we are nothing without him.

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  • James Taylor