Gabriel Pareyón

GABRIEL PAREYON (Zapopan, Jalisco, México, 23.10.1974)

He began his music studies with Marcela Orozco, in Guadalajara, Mexico. Several years later he was accepted by the Music School of the University of Guadalajara, and he started his education as composer with Hermilio Hernández (chief organist of the Cathedral of Guadalajara) and continued through private classes with Domingo Lobato.

In 1994 he moved to Mexico City for enrolling in the Composition Workshop of the National Conservatory, where he was pupil of Mario Lavista (1994-99). Between 1995 and 2004 he also frequented master classes offered by Franco Donatoni, Vinko Globokar, Toshio Hosokawa, Manfred Trojahn and Włodziemierz Kotoński, and he finished both bachelor and master degrees in composition at The Hague Royal Conservatory, The Netherlands, under the guide of Clarence Barlow.

In 1995 he became permanent researcher of the National Center of Music Investigation, Documentation and Information (CENIDIM - INBA, Mexico), where the last years he was publishing books and specializated articles on musicology.
Since 1997 he has been guest professor offering classes of music analysis at the University of León, the University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (both in Mexico), the National Cuyo University (Mendoza, Argentina) and the University of the Arts (Havana, Cuba).

He obtained the grant of the program for Young Artists of the National Found for Culture and Arts (FONCA, Mexico; 2001-02 & 2005-06); the prize of the Composers’ Meeting organized by the Institute of Youth (INJUVE, Spain; 2002); the “Andrzej Panufnik

Contact informatie

  • Gabriel Pareyón