Federating Social Networks / Ino Paap, Ralph Meijer

BarCamp Amsterdam III

Federating Social Networks

1 mrt 2008
2 mrt 2008

The technical and organizational challenges of portable social networks are daunting but the promises are great! Finally we'll be using one profile to interact with people and documents in a network of federated communities.

This is the follow-up event for the Federating Social Networks workshop (Dec. 2007). We will show progress on the roadmap that was layed out at the FSN workshop and determine what is still to be done. And there will be discussions and presentations, and work on getting implementations going.


Hope of the nation trying to get into the picture - Taken on the market in Chennai, Mumbai 2006. Willem Velthoven

We will work on:

Progress and road maps

We will present the work we did till now and what we still have to do to get things working.

Technical stuff:

The tentative list of subjects includes:

XMPP Publish & Subscribe : changes, implementation
XMPP PubSub gateway : API description and how to use it
OAuth : how to make PubSub secure
Atom : which data do we expect, what should be pushed and what not
RDF : how to represent your data as RDF, which standards to use
Discovery : how to get two sites working together, HTML meta tags and HTTP headers
HTTP status codes : how to get your site play nice with mobile data


Major subject is to get your site working with PubSub.


Saturday March 1
17:00 Drinks
18:00 Welcome and introduction
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Making the schedule for sessions
21:00 Update about what we did between Dec and now
Sunday March 2
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Sessions
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Sessions
17:00 Finish

Data Portability

DataPortability - Connect, Control, Share, Remix from Smashcut Media on Vimeo.