In Pursuit of the Right Jute
Two jute, one panel.
Jute sacks are a great base for our panels. Mycelium likes to grow on them, and they are a waste product of the cacao industry in the Netherlands, so there are a lot lying around.
NZ to DE to NL
Product Design to Production to Exhibition Design at Mediamatic
Jute sacks are a great base for our panels. Mycelium likes to grow on them, and they are a waste product of the cacao industry in the Netherlands, so there are a lot lying around.
Naturally, one of the many objectives of this project is to brew some tasty beer, unique to Mediamatic. We are fortunate enough to be brewing twice a week at the moment so each time we are slightly...
Op maandagochtend proefden we ons eerste Myco bier onder bezielende leiding van de heren van Oedipus Brewing.
Brewing beer is easy! Besides investing in key equipment and ingredients, the process itself is not complicated. Give yourself a full day to make your first brew since it does take some time, and be...
How you can improve mycelium growth on spent beer grain.
Combining the beer brewing process with our Myco Insulation process for smart production of new materials.
Made from aluminium, with two poles either side for stretching the jute around evenly.
Much neater hem, much easier to unpick.
A perfect example of the second jute bags being difficult to successfully unpick.
Another thing we have to look out for is holes in the jute that would prevent an even stretch.
The second jute bags have a nice, neat hem at the opening of the bag, which is much easier to sew through
This hem is doubled over, making it harder to sew through, but extra strong.