Mayken Craenen


mayken - Mayken Craenen

I am part of the Mediamatic exhibitions team. With them I happily travel from Inuit culture to fixed gear bikes to who knows what else the future will bring...

Before I embarked on this journey, I completed a Bachelor in Literature and Linguistics, with a focus on English and Spanish, and a Master in Cultural Studies in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Last year, I did an internship as editor of the Antwerp FotoMuseum's house magazine.

My next stop is still a question mark. I would love to try working at an editorial, combining text and illustrations to make beautiful books. I entirely see myself ending up with a bed and breakfast slash gallery, baking muffins, talking with people from everywhere and supporting designers and artists who inspire me.

In general I like observing the world and adding my own fabrications to it. Drawing, cooking, photographing, collaging, sewing and singing (in showers) bring me happiness, satisfaction, energy and relaxation. I love to get lost in strange places (Amsterdam still behaves as one), flea markets, stories, picture books and the world wide web.

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