Stichting Mediamatic

Newsletter 16/03

What's going on?

Here's the weekly staff newsletter so that you know what's going on this week, and to share important information and fun facts.


Meet zeger reyers - During the consults you will sit down with Zeger Reyers to discuss you work, ideas and challenges.

New colleagues

This week we have welcomed two new colleagues: Steven van den Haak as web editor and Idan Brull as photographer. They won't bite so say hi to them when you see them.

Cleanlab almost done

It has cost us blood sweat, tears and cake from Ramon, but the cleanlab is almost done. This Friday the public can see and use it for the first time at the Playing life Biotalk.


This weekend we will have two events on the schedule: The Playing Life Biotalk togeether with Transnatural and the Melksalon with Siestske Klooster. The Playing Life Biotalk the speakers will talk about making a useable textile from algae, 3d printing ears and noses and tanning fish skins to use it for home furniture. The Melksalon will be about the bio-diversity. Local farmers will bring their milk for the audience to taste. Note: the Melksalon will be in Dutch only.

People leaving

This moth we will have to say goodbye to three of our coworkers: first Juul, then Catherine and the end of the month Anna. On the fifth of April we will will have a going a away drink.