Coming up
April 23 - 24 - Rein Beer Fest
Join us as we celebrate 500 years of Reinheitsgebot, a law with a long history and much controversy. The two day program will cover tastings, masterclasses, presentations, expert meetings, a beer brunch and a wild herb hunting tour.
April 30 - Aquaponics Workshop
Do you want to learn how you can grow fish, fresh herbs and vegetables the whole year round? During the aquaponics workshop you can! Join us and learn all about biology and sustainable urban farming.
Tickets: €145,- or €102,- with student discount
May 6 - Meet Agi Haines
Meet the award-winning designer and discuss your own projects and design-obstacles.
Meetings are free. To sign up, please email
Mediamatic Biotoop,
Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam