16th International Symposium on Electronic Art

Call for proposals

The International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA) has been taking place in prestigious institutions across the globe since 1988. It is organised under the auspices of the Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA Foundation), an international non-profit organisation that promotes the relationship between arts, science and digital technologies.


Videoart - source


We invite proposals for conference papers, artist presentations, exhibition projects, live performances, and art projects in public space. All submissions will be evaluated by an international online jury. The results of the jury process and invitations for ISEA2010 RUHR are expected by the end of 2009.

Visual artists, musicians, dancers, designers, engineers, software artists, researchers, theorists, media activists, and hybrids of these, working with recent technologies and exploring the artistic, creative and critical potentials of digital and electronic media, should submit their projects or papers online by 15 September 2009 at this website.


The European Capital of Culture for 2010 is the emerging Ruhr Metropolis, an large urban zone encompassing over 50 different cities and towns in the West of Germany. Throughout the year, lots of exciting projects, festivals and exhibitions will take place which shall radiate far beyond the year of 2010. More information on ruhr2010.de