De Waag
Lost & Found
3apr 20093apr 2009Deze Lost & Found avond voor verdwaald beeld en geluid wordt gehouden op 3 april in het Theatrum Anatomicum van de Waag.
ASPECT Magazine
ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art, a…
Accepting submissions for Volume 14: Middle East
ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art, a biannual DVD publication, is currently accepting submissions of work for Volume 14: Middle East. From ancient times to the contemporary moment, this region...
Kurye International Video Festival
Open call for video and new media artists, by April 20, 2009
This year, Kurye International Video Festival will take place under its own name and with its new structure at Aksanat between June 2-12. Over the past three years, Kargart International Video...
Nuit Blanche Amsterdam
Een nachtelijke ontdekkingsreis
Stichting Vuig is een jaar geleden in het leven geroepen door Josine Neyman en Kristel Mutsters "om grote en mooie dingen te kunnen creëren". Ze wilden een groter publiek in contact brengen met...
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Films and Videos about the City exhibition
Call For submissions for creative film and video makers
DIVUS UNIT 30 is an exhibition and multimedia events venue in Hoxton, Shoreditch. Our April exhibition is about the CITY.
Jalal Toufic presents: The Lamentation Series
18mrt 200918mrt 2009Misschien wel de eerste grote film of video over de lamentatie van Judas Iscariot nadat hij Jezus uitleverde aan de hoge priesters, en voordat hij zich ophing. “The Lamentations Series...” is een...
Crisis in Frascati
18mrt 2009Frascati roept in maart de crisis uit. We breken de theatermuren open en slepen de wereld naar binnen. Wat brengt de dag vandaag? We zien valutaduikvluchten, macht & paniek. We horen een roep om...
Tracy Ma
I'm currently in my 3rd year of study at the York/Sheridan Joint Program in Graphic Design in Toronto, Canada.
NoisiVisioN Laboratorium voor transdisciplinaire…
Kardelen Fincanci
Kardelen Fincancı / Independent Artist Kardelen Fincancı either uses action as an art method or uses art as an action method. She produces her art works by never differentiating any discipline from...
Miguel Herrera
A thankful and proud ex-mediamatician!
During the last 4 years I have had to answer more than 500 times why I came to the Netherlands? Therefore, here's another try: Because is in my culture (Latino) to be superstitious and without any...
Ana Bee
media producer at flat-e. Also, owner of a cat called Guinness
The Award Winning Show
14mrt 20094apr 2009Dafna Maimon's works are mostly short, single-channel video pieces, which swing between witty one liners, registrations of staged performative acts and narrative filmmaking.
15mrt 200916mrt 2009GEGARANDEERDT is een initiatief van fotografe Frederique Masselink-van Rijn en beeldend kunstenaar Inge van der Ven.
Malek Shafi'i
Distinguished by the Swans
13mrt 200912apr 2009In de wereld die Erin Dunn schept is alles tegelijkertijd zichtbaar, van bouwsteen tot beeld via alle tussenstadia. Betoverend van kleur en detaillering breidt haar werk zich voor je ogen uit. Met...
Kurye International Video Festival
2jun 200912jun 2009This year, Kurye International Video Festival will take place under its own name and with its new structure at Aksanat between June 2-12. Over the past three years, Kargart International Video...
ilona jurtschenko
Alejandra Canales
Thomas Weynants
Can Sarvan
She was born in Istanbul. She studied philosophy in Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, did not graduate.
Kees Veling