De Appel
Alberto De Michele
In het 'Schaduwkabinet' worden (ex-) studenten van het 'Curator Programme', dat de Appel sinds 1994 verzorgt, uitgenodigd om een presentatie te verzorgen in het voormalige directiekantoor. ++Opening...
Magnus Helander
geek filmmaker
Wasted large part of his youth in front of 80's home computers. Pimped a ZX-81 to 16MB and a LED-controller. Found his Nikon FM at 18 and rapidly recovered lost youth. Enjoys the intersection of...
11nov 2007Met de slogan "Personal=politcal" als leidraad organiseerd et Sandberg instituut een een filmprogramma dat bij dit vroeg feministische adagium afsluit.
Wayne Horse
15nov 2007Wayne Horse is een van oorsprong Duitse kunstenaar. In zijn vroege jaren begon hij als graffiti-kunstenaar in de Duitse graffiti-scene. Op zijn studie aan de Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam verbreedde...
Filmtheater 't Hoogt
Mark Lewis
1nov 2007Mark Lewis prefereert de manier van tentoonstellen zoals dat in een museum gedaan wordt. Hier kunnen mensen staan en vrij bewegen. Lewis laat zijn films als het ware 'leven' in het soort ruimte...
christina kral
If you want to disappear, come around for private lessons.
Serious Dérive
Louise Berg
filmmaker, photographer
Swedish independent documentary filmmaker and photographer. Studied at the University of Arts in Berlin 1999-2004. Works as a trainer assistent at Mediamatics workshops in interaktive films and...
caroline ward
I'm the Studio Coordinator at B3
I work at B3 Media, but I am also a filmmaker and artist.
Bhavesh Hindocha
We are a part of the Loud Minority, and as such, we are a part of those concerned with CHANGE!
See www.loudminority.co.uk Video maker, social issues, mental health, ethnicity, diversity, racism, youth, culture, art, music, politics, history. South Asia and Africa.
Lisa Roberts
I am the co-director of Blink with Andrew Wilson. Blink is an interaction design and research organisation working across the culture, technology and commercial sectors. We develop unique products
adiel khan
YOU CAN HIRE ME AS A: filmmaker; photographer; editor extraordinaire! OR . . . Anything visual or creative.
Sannah de Zwart
Als zelfstandig freelance fotograaf ben ik sinds 1996 werkzaam voor verschillende opdrachtgevers zoals kranten, tijdschriften, bedrijven en reclame/ontwerpbureaus. Ik houd veelvuldig contact met...
Ard Hesselink
Formerly involved in film, television and journalism, now a primary school educator of computer/internet science, new media and visual arts
Digital photography is my first interest (among many others), which may be apparent at docman's flickr site: www.flickr.com/people/docman/ "Docman's Days", my homepage, slowly fills itself with...
Joris Westerink
Jelena Miskovic
Jelena Miskovic proved to be an artist with an interesting grammar of her own. Her multimedia work is highly personal , marked with very specific texts, delicate visuals and capacity to capture remarkable energies.
I was born in the blossoming period of the most peculiar place in the world, grown up amongst the best of the most extraordinary talented people, and lived an exciting life. Art inventions and...
belen roldan
Studies: Humanities, Publishing and Audiovisual Communication. What I can do: I can be close to anything related to culture, technology, communication and creativity. Nationality: Spanish, why not?
etta sophie
Ariane Le Couteur
Before I have been Managing Director of the company L’Envol from 1980, I started in the fiction and documentary fields as script-girl and editor. Between 1983 and 1996, I directed corporate films and...
Diana Liyanage
I have been working as an Assistant Producer for Corporate Medical and Educational Agencies in London for the past 2 1/2 years. I have also directed and produced three short films in the last year. I...