DUS architecten
public architecture
The architecture of DUS goes beyond building. This social significance shows at all levels of DUS’ work, ranging from large urban strategies to outdoor breakfast designs. DUS sees architecture as a...
Willem van der Schans
Zoo enthousiast
Den Haag, Nederland
Shoot Me Film Festival
15sep 200925sep 2009In Den Haag vindt voor de vijfde keer het Shoot Me Film Festival plaats. Tien dagen lang een bijzondere combinatie van independent film, diner, muziek, debat en feest op zeer onverwachte locaties. Op...
Wally online
Na opheffing van Oostelijke Handelskade 29 is Wally gevlucht naar internet: www.wally.nl
Fluorescent Nature
Seven new mushroom species glowing in the dark!
Mycologists estimate there are hundreds of species still not identified. And the mystery and fascination hiding behind mushrooms are unlimited. These newly discovered glowing toadstools might help...
Pure Culture
Philip Ross is an inspiring american artist that works with living organisms as means of his artistic work. In a very controlled environment, Ross manipulates, nurtures and transforms a variety of...
Mediamatic Travel Office The Movie
Previously on view in the Amsterdam Biennale: Daniele Marx and Marcos Sari, the white room
Porto Alegre Pavilion
Through a hidden city
Saturday 14 November the pavilion of Porto Allegre opens at the Amsterdam Biennale 2009. From 14 November 2009 until 3 January 2010 curator Daniele Marx invites you to experience a hidden experience...
Previously on view in the Amsterdam Biennale: Diana Marrone
Naples Pavilion
Il regno dell'intallio
The First Naples Pavilion at the first Amsterdam Biennale. From Oct 17 - Jan 3 the Naples Pavilion, curated by Diana Marrone, is presenting the work of Danilo Capasso, Alessandro Cimmino, Roberto...
Previously on view in the Amsterdam Biennale: Paul Lefevre-Venet
Kobe Pavilion
Theory of Clouds in collaboration with C.A.P (The Conference on Art and Art Projects)
The Kobe Pavilion is designed to reflect the energy and diversity of artistic practice in Kobe city. The Pavilion is also an expression of the unique blend of art and civil society that is the full...
Presented by Showroom MAMA during festival De Wereld van Witte de With 2009
Reclaim your privacy! Disappear from the surveillance camera.
6 ways Mushrooms can save the World
Paul Stamets amazing speech at the TED conference
Growing mushroom might be the best thing we can do to save the environment. In this inspiring speech, Paul Stamets briefly explain his work and research on mushroom, or better mycelium and his...
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Meet the Guides
14sep 2009Monday 14 september Mediamatic Travel presents: Interview with Isidora Krstic, connoisseur of the hotspots in Belgrade Riekje Jongsma on how to weapon yourself against tourists Sarah Birgitte...
Kaffa ik, je weet wel
Kom je een kopje koffie met mij drinken ?
12sep 2009Kom je een kopje koffie drinken ? Zaterdag 12 september 15.00 uur bij Kaffa, Czaar Peterstraat 130, tijdens het Czaar Peter festival ??? Ik wacht op je, ik zoek je..., we hadden toch afgesproken ???
Architect and photographer
Reading for my diploma in Architecture, I'm a part time assistant project manager in Casamemoire. I also work as a photographer. Besides Architecture and Urbanism, I'm passioned about every and any...
Smart Project Space
SPSound Intermission Launch Party
5sep 20095sep 2009SPSound presents: Intermission A new music programme evoking new forms of critical reflection on the question of contemporary music and its relations with other platforms of cultural activity.
Amsterdam Biennale
Meer dan dertig internationale gidsen uit het Mediamatic netwerk werden uitgenodigd om als curator een stadspaviljoen in te richten EN te ontwerpen. Van 17 oktober 2009 t/m 3 januari 2010 was de...
5sep 200924okt 2009Trapgat Expo opent met een instalatie van de Mr. Sauli. De jonge media kunstenaar studeerde af aan het Piet Zwart Instituut in de richting media design met Mimetrix. De installatie die onze huidige...
Esther Mannaerts
is onderweg
Na een lange reis, zin om weer terug te komen in de fijne wereld van muziek, kunst en de vele activiteiten daar omheen. Kom maar op!
Aart Helder