Marcela Ferrari
Ordinary people
I am a stranger in a strange world...
Mediamatic Post CS
20mrt 2008Een avond over milieubewustwording door visualisatie van energieverbruik en CO2 footprint. Met Tiffany Holmes, Beatriz da Costa, Michael Mandiberg, Yolande Harris, Esther Polak en Oorbeek.
jonathan genkin
tenacious and indefatiguable. relentless and passionate. dark and funny. trying not to wear my heart on my sleeve.
Maarten Sebastiaan Hol
Philosopher / photographer / historian / poet ...
Living in the old town of Hoorn , I am fascinated by the history and culture of cities through the ages. That's why I am a historical guide in my free time. I like to study history, and tell other...
As much I live for a tomorrow, as strong I miss the present. Charm of the moment. Evening, which will never return. Just now and here… I write a lot. And sometimes like just laugh loudly. Just for...
hans hoevenberg
hoi, carpe diem, hoe moeilijk dat soms ook is
leuke jeugdige vent, met soms wat meer muisenissen dan hij wenst.
Arti et Amicitiae
Is the world flat?
19jan 20083feb 2008The art world’s development goes hand in hand with the growth of global market and new communication technologies. Parachutartists Foundation brought together eleven artists, that live and work in...
Eva Roovers
Fotografie : www.emroovers.nl BK : www.evaroovers.com Over mijn werk: In de stedelijke belevenis is de vanzelfsprekendheid voorbij. Het...
Thomas Schmall
making videogames, painting stuff
philosopher in the dark
I would like to write I am a wanderer, but I am not. In fact, I don't like moving. Come and visit me.
Beauty Parlour #02 Mediamatic Post CS
Mirror, Scenario & Mask - views of he - you - me
24jan 200824jan 2008This Beauty Parlour was the second public meeting in preparation of ikikik! (mememe!). ikikik! was an exhibition about self-representation on the internet, that started in July 2008. This time it was...
Barbara Pais
Edwin Stolk
Beeldend kunstenaar
Kunst & openbare ruimte als actief toneel voor maatschappelijk onderzoek.
Ronmandos Gallery Rotterdam
Bloody Beautiful
12jan 200816feb 2008Deze show is een vervolg op de eerdere editie die bij RONMANDOS Rotterdam te zien was. Het concept van dit tweedelig project is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in het Historisch...
Lloyd Hotel
Just Arrived: Az i mojat kufar
17jan 2008De Culturele Ambassade presenteert samenwerking met NL-Studio een tentoonstelling van Bulgaars design. De opening die deze avond zal plaatsvinden zal een introductie zijn bij de tentoonstelling die...
Valters Verners
le graphiste extraordinaire
graphic designer / illustrator
De Appel
Launch FR David nr. 2
14dec 2007F.R. David focuses on the ‘status’ of language in contemporary art practice. Writing as imaginative thinking, as a mode that informs and feeds, supports and describes, backs up and interprets
Smart Project Space
Symposium Forward!
15dec 2007The symposium Forward! On the revitalization of modern architecture hosting guest speakers from the field of art, architecture and philosophy, encourages interdisciplinary dialogue and debate, and...
About the Relative Size of Things in the Universe
25nov 200713jan 2008Martin Beck’s video work ‘About the Relative Size of Things in the Universe’ (2007) continues his longstanding interest in the history of exhibitions. The video shows the gradual assembley and...
Dr. Martin Zebracki
Cultural Geographer, Wageningen University
Cultural Geographer, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University http://www.geo.wur.nl/UK/Staff/Staff_Zebracki/
Martijn de Waal
I am a writer, researcher, curator and consultant based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. My main area of interest is the role of digital media in society.
Center for the Advancement of Recreation and…
23nov 20072jan 2008Eric von Robertson werkt onder het conceptuele kader van het C.A.R.L. The Center for the Advancement of Recreation and Leisure. CARL is een organisatie, een proces en liefdadig alter ego, die van...
Hendrik Arie Baartman
HENDRIKS ERKLÄRUNG ZUR KUNST 2007 Kunst ist eine Droge, liebe Leute, und das Erschaffen von Kunst, von Zeichnungen und Gemälden, Skulpturen und von digitaler oder Computer-Kunst ist meine ultimative...