Davis Lisboa
Illustrator, painter and creator of the Davis Museum in Barcelona.
EDUCATION 1996-2008 Universitat de Barcelona, Fines Arts. Painting. Spain. 1987-1990 Escola Massana. Painting. Barcelona, Spain. 1985-1987 Private conceptual drawing classes with contemporary artist...
Nieuw Dakota (gallery) (nl)
The Smooth and the Striated
a double exhibition
Motivated alongside the Third International Deleuze Studies Conference, eight multi-disciplinary artists have been invited to exhibit Deleuze-inspired projects in two disparate locations within...
Baarsjes to Brooklyn
25jun 201025jun 2010Tijdens ŒMetro54: Baarsjes to Brooklyn‚ maakt het publiek kennis met nieuwe artiesten, samenwerkingen en uitingen geïnspireerd door de stad. Het evenement geeft een voorproefje door middel van de...
An Alternative Genealogy of Avant-Garde Film
20jun 2010Film programma en lezing gepresenteerd door Georg Novotny en Prof. Gabriele Jutz - University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Leve het Hergebruik!
22jun 2010ARCAM organiseert in aanloop naar de Dag van de Architectuur dinsdag 22 juni in samenwerking met cultuurpodium De Verdieping een paneldiscussie over het hergebruik van oude gebouwen in Amsterdam.
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT)
Contemporary Art: Who Cares?
9jun 201011jun 2010International symposium for (up-and-coming) professionals, from diverse disciplines, who are connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art. Organised by the Netherlands Institute for...
Tate Modern
The Politics of Cultural Disruption
21jun 2010Is public art any more than second-rate sculptors and failed performers cluttering the streets and disrupting traffic? Artichoke, producers of unforgettable live events like Antony Gormley's One...
Van Hot naar Hergebruik
27jun 2010Het gaat deze dag om spectaculair verbouwde panden die normaal gesproken gesloten blijven voor het grote publiek.
9jun 2010Uitslagen op een groot scherm, de film Vox Populi, volop wijn en bier, en analyses van niemand minder dan politiek-kenners Felix Rottenberg en Ewald Engelen!
Villa Ockenburgh
6jun 2010...wij zijn meer dan enkel redelijke wezens, want het spel is onredelijk. - Johan Huizinga, Homo ludens Van 15:00 tot 22:00 biedt Villa Ockenburgh ruimte aan kunst, wetenschap, experiment en debat
Debate "Critical Decisions"
28mei 2010Participants: Wouter van Hillaert, Ronald Ockhuysen, Xandra Schutte, Barbara Visser Moderator: Rineke Kraaij In 2008 the Prize for Young Dutch Art Criticism was initiated by de Appel, Fonds BKVB and...
Graphic Design Museum
Death is not Justice.
Poster for Tomorrow call for entries 2010
October the 10th 2010 (10/10/10) is the World and European Day against the Death Penalty. On this day poster for tomorrow will hold 100 exhibitions in 100 cities of our posters calling for universal...
Mediamatic Lab
Anymeta Training part 2 (June)
11jun 2010During the first Anymeta trainings we’ve discussed creating, linking and adjusting content. Part two is all about organizing this content to make it relevant, informative and easy to navigate for the...
Stichting Mediamatic
Anymeta training part 1 (May)
28mei 2010This training is a good introduction for those working with the Anymeta system. You'll learn what makes Anymeta different from other websites, the basics of it and what to consider when contributing...
Icograda's online peer-reviewed journal of design research
Iridescent: Icograda Journal of Design Research is a peer-reviewed online journal, inviting researchers and scholars world-wide to submit papers and essays for publication on site. The aim of the...
'Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material'
27mei 2010Een presentatie van 'Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material', de eerste monografie over Group Material (1979-1996). Dit New Yorkse kunstenaarsinitiatief werd bekend door haar politieke en...
Justin Linds
Before going home to write a daunting thesis, I am happy to find myself working on the Mediamatic Travel project. At last I can determine if years of reading cultural theory has any practical...
Aula Universiteit van Amsterdam, Spui 411
The Help
3jun 20103jun 2010The Help has sat atop the New York Times bestseller list for a full year. Its popularity is due to its richly rendered story and setting, but also its daring.
De Balie
11mei 2010Google verlaat nu echt China, omdat het bedrijf naar eigen zeggen niet langer met de Chinese censuur kan omgaan. Google wijst hierbij naar de Chinese overheid. Maar is dit terecht? Welke...
Build Green lezing
1jun 20101jun 2010Na jaren van immobilisme komt er eindelijk schot in de zaak: de braakliggende terreinen worden benut als motor voor een duurzame stad!
7mei 201011jun 2010Opening 7 mei 17.00-20.00
Elliot Burford is spam
1mei 201022mei 2010From the 1st to the 22nd of May Fabrica will present at the Fabrica Features store in Lisbon Elliott Burford is Spam, an exhibition and a book of illustrations by Fabrica designer and art director...
Willem3 Vlissingen TINKEBELL.
Looove TINKEBELL. / For my family
16mei 201011jul 2010'Looove TINKEBELL. / For my Family' offers a chronological overview of TINKEBELL.’s installations, projects and performances of the past four years. This overview was shown before at TORCH Gallery
Amira Gad