Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop
7mei 2021Wat leeft er in het Oosterdok? Hoe nemen organismen een materiaal over? Een set van aluminium plaatjes hangt aan onze Serres Séparées langs de kade in afwachting van begroeiing. Met zeebioloog Marnix...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
11jun 2021Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for a creative consult! Come by to meet the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
T - Meet A Maker
1jan 4300Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Ruchama Noorda, the artist behind the Tumulus project, is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas while...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
T - Meet A Maker
1jan 4300Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for a creative consult! Come by to meet the...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
18mei 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
13apr 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
16mrt 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
2apr 2021On Fridays, Arne builds mycelium waste pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a walk...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
7mei 2021On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a walk...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker
5mrt 2021On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Book a timeslot to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a...
De Hekserij levert grondstoffen, materialen, gereedschappen en kennis, in kleine hoeveelheden en aan een breed publiek.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
The 4th Annual Experimental Scent Summit
9jul 2020The fourth annual edition of the Experimental Scent Summit will take place starting from Thursday, July 9. The four-day online event is the annual presentation of the ongoing collaboration between...
Als vooruitstrevende publieke culturele instelling vinden we diversiteit, in al zijn facetten, essentieel. We streven actief naar bewustwording en implementatie van een meer transversale en integrale...
What's growing on #1
Adventures of a curious CleanLab intern
In this series I will share some of the interesting and fun things that I do and come across during my time as the CleanLab intern at Mediamatic. During this time I will mostly keep myself busy with...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Algemene ticket voorwaarden
Waar ga je mee akkoord als je een kaartje koopt?
1. Algemene ticketvoorwaarden Mediamatic hanteert huisregels . Het kopen van een ticket betekent dat je akkoord bent met deze huisregels. Onder ticket of kaartje verstaan we ieder toegangsbewijs voor...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Sculpting Textiles
23nov 2019How can one use unconventional materials and techniques to manipulate textile in a 3D shape, to create textures and patterns? During the workshop, artist Margherita Soldati will introduce you to...
11 x 4 m2 / 22 - 35 p.
Serres Séparées
11 kleine kassen voor een unieke ervaring
De Serres Séparées is een bijzondere en originele locatie. Gelegen aan het water, biedt Serres Séparées een unieke en intieme ervaring. Deze ruimtes lenen zich onder andere voor intieme diners
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Sculpting Textiles
14sep 2019Hoe gebruik je ongebruikelijke stoffen en technieken om 3D vormen, bijzondere texturen en patronen te maken van textiel? In deze workshop zal kunstenaar Margherita Soldati je vertrouwd maken met het...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
22mei 2019Wat als je na dit leven voeding kunt zijn voor nieuw leven? Dat verarmde bodem weer vruchtbaar wordt? En planten, bomen, micro-organismen en kleine diertjes gedijen dankzij jouw restanten? In april...
Alessandra Baldissarelli
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop European Youth Press
Reporting Corruption and Tax Avoidance:…
9jun 2017Learn more about corruption reporting and ways to detangle the complexity of this timeless phenomenon on the expert panel discussion taking place on June 9th. The European Youth Press – Network of...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Das Magazin
Das Mag Festival x Marijke Schermer
20mei 2017Tijd om je leesbril op te zetten! Das Mag and Mediamatic nodigen je uit voor Das Mag Festival 2017, waar de pareltjes van de Nederlandse literaire wereld gevierd worden. Bij Mediamatic zal Marijke...
ROZENBROOD Trendacademy
Founder & partner ROZENBROOD Trendacademy