Marcela Ferrari
Ordinary people
I am a stranger in a strange world...
Citizens and Subjects
een asielzoekersterugkeercentrum als een binnenstebuiten gekeerde readymade
De BBC spreekt gewooon over deporatiecentra, maar Rita Verdonk noemt het vergoeielijkend "terugkeercentra" en het klinkt in haar mond zo ongeveer als een eerste stap op weg naar het Paradijs. Uit te...
Party: Escape Venue My Little Underground
Shadow Festival After Parties
22nov 200727nov 2007After being subversive at the other documentary festival, you might be interested in some more evening program. To fill this gap, Shadow festival is now presenting the after party! A total of 5...
christina kral
If you want to disappear, come around for private lessons.
Serious Dérive
Jelena Miskovic
Jelena Miskovic proved to be an artist with an interesting grammar of her own. Her multimedia work is highly personal , marked with very specific texts, delicate visuals and capacity to capture remarkable energies.
I was born in the blossoming period of the most peculiar place in the world, grown up amongst the best of the most extraordinary talented people, and lived an exciting life. Art inventions and...
RFID Skimmer
Stealthy data collection made easy
We know that people carry RFID tags on their body, in their pockets and in their wallets. Many of these are in cards that have securely encrypted information on them. What we can recognise though, is...
People wonder exactly how easily on-tag information can be skimmed from passive HF RFID.. the RFID Spy project turns this question into a kind of game. Overview: Rogue agents from the RFID...
Theodore Watson
Mr. Fablab in 2007
I am an Interactive Designer and Researcher, the co-developer of openFrameworks and a Graffiti Research Lab member. For Mediamatic I will be setting up the MIT styled FabLab and developing the...
Film: Filmmuseum
Two Lane Blacktop
12jul 200718jul 2007Een schitterende roadmovie over het 'Dasein'. Nu voor het eerst in NL op 35mm te zien in het Filmmuseum.
Luister, lees, kijk: Seventy Seconds, @HardHoofd Lees: SoundBlog Kijk: Spoerri tafel re-constructie Luister: Found Tapes Exhibition
Wendela Scheltema
limboland, IBFF
1966. Opleiding Filmacademie, ervaring in bijna alle disciplines, veelbereisd, brede belangstelling, vooral in nieuwe ontwikkelingen, oprichter International Bunker Film Festival (Italie) en...
Martina Florians
Maaike Gottschal
Hello, I'm an independent art and design producer and the coördinator of Rotterdam Artist in Residence. As cultural producer I was involved in Mediamatic's EL HEMA and the sneaker workshops for kids...
Saar Frieling
Monica Ragazzini
Hallo! ciao! Dag!
Alec Gatenby
Freelance Graphic Designer based in Utrecht
Based in Utrecht in the centre of the Netherlands, Studio Projective is a design service that deals primarily with print and internet communications. Operating independently or in partnership with...
art in residence - projectspace for context-dependant art
The MediumGallery is an art-initiative located in the staircase of a social-housing unit in the North of the Netherlands, founded in 2005. Although it resembles a standard white cube, it's not quite...
Jerónimo M.M.
The Ayahuasca Conversation - A footnoted elastic documentary
For the past 7 years Jerónimo M. M. has been working on a documentary project exploring ethnobotany, pharmacology, and the roots of faith... The project has grown so large and complex we are looking...
Robert Pennekamp
www.brainstormbureau.nl www.robertpennekamp.nl
Cultuur 2.0?
Web 2.0 & de cultuursector
Wat zijn de mogelijkheden die de ontwikkelingen op het vlak van Web 2.0 bieden voor de kunst- en cultuursector en hoe dienen deze in te springen op de behoeften van de nieuwe consument?
Exhibition: KOP
13okt 200628nov 2006De zeventienjarige Poolse Andzelika moet kiezen, Polen of Nederland? Drie kunstenaars, Wytske van Keulen, Jacobine van der Kamp, Suedy Mauricio, verbeelden ieder op een persoonlijke manier de...
Performance: Mediamatic Post CS
Audio Drive In-Uit met Aux Raus
6okt 2006Op deze avond kon iedereen genieten van een autoradioperformance door Sasker Scheerder, Aux Raus en uw autoradio.