Amit Sanwal
Searching for a soulmate
an engineer by education and a businessman by profession. Born in Delhi and currently promoting my business in Lucknow. Love Hills, beautiful women, driving on hills, parents. One quote resembles me...
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Workshop Generating VGA Signals
10jul 200910jul 2009By using the very simple and cheap PIC Microchip micro-controller it's possible to generate signals. With these signals you can display all kinds of pixel patterns on any VGA monitor or beamer.
Mediamatic Hacker Camps
Social RFID Games and Physical Computing
Mediamatic Social RFID Hacker Camps explore various recent technologies like RFID, physical computing and social networking, but also look into aspects of interaction design and interactive processes.
Worm, Worm
SCREAMING CITY: West Berlin 1980s
22apr 200922apr 2009This double feature screening casts light on a unique historical period where images lived a special life amidst the deadlock of socialist and capitalist ideologies, materialising spectacularly in...
Wencke van Lankveld
That's me
Student Communication and Multimedia Design in Breda en werkend bij Selmore.
V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media
Workshop: DIY wearable technology
16mei 200917mei 2009Call for participation - During the weekend of May 16 and 17, Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson (aka KOBAKANT) will give a workshop on DIY wearable technology. The outcome of the workshop will be...
Performance: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Re: Parallax
20mei 200928jun 2009Re:Parallax was een centraal onderdeel van de interactieve tentoonstelling WatSpinoza? . Het was een stop-motion heruitvoering (een re-enactment) van Zhana Ivanova's Parallax performance met jou en...
Mensch und Fisch
Late one night I was walking on Boulevard Saint Germain in Paris. I passed a restaurant. It was closed and dark inside. In the windowsill was a fishbowl, with one lonely fish swimming in it. I talked...
Michel van Dartel
Michel van Dartel is curator and project manager at V2_. As project manager in the V2_Lab Michel is involved in a variety of artistic R&D (aRt&D) projects. As curator, Michel coordinates V2_ public...
Ianus Keller
for inspiration only
Product designer gone interaction designer gone design researcher.
The Pyschogeography of navigation - cancelled
Due to time constraints I've asked the organisers to pull this talk - but I'm hoping to do a 20/20 on the subject in Guy's slot < Navigation tends to be a very functional sub-discipline of design...
james boardwell
Research Design
grit for designing websites, apps and future services
Nadya Peek
likes tools
Wondering what other criteria we can impose on the interaction mechanisms of small societies to force convergence to forms of social welfare which do not necessarily maximize the average agents...
And so the story begins...
Overview of my first activities for the dating project
This article is the first part of the dating chronicles, where I report the findings of my research on Mediamatics dating site. It describes the first events and work that I have done for it.
Miss Vormt
compleet van de pot gerukte illustraties en animaties
Miss Vormt geeft missers vorm tot de schoonheid van imperfectie.
Witte de With
Rotterdam Dialogues: The Artists
16apr 200918apr 2009Volgend op The Critics, in oktober 2008, en The Curators in maart 2009, verschuift op 16, 17 en 18 april in het derde en laatste deel van het symposium drieluik Rotterdam Dialogues de focus naar The...
De Veemvloer
Activism Doupt
26mrt 200926apr 2009In de tentoonstelling Activism Doubt worden werken getoond waarin Harmen de Hoop (1959) en Jonas Staal (1981) elkaar gebruiken voor de uitvoering van series performances in de publieke ruimte.
Megan Daalder
Margriet Uittenbogaard
I am fascinated by people, the way they behave, interact, communicate, perceive & want to be perceived. I find it interesting to see how people can be influenced, how you can get their attention and...
Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam
N8 is het laboratorium voor museale jongerenmarketing, gericht op zoveel mogelijk, het liefst alle jongerendoelgroepen van Amsterdam. Daar worden alle activiteiten onder geschaard met als brandpunt...
BuroDijkstra ArtGallery Edwin Stolk
4apr 200927jun 2009Installation: Persuasion (Idea, attitude, or action) By Edwin Stolk.
Ianus Keller
dr ir ianus
Trouw Amsterdam
11 is dood, lang leve Trouw!
6mrt 20097mrt 2009We zijn terug. Het heeft een aantal maanden geduurd, maar uit de as van het vorig jaar gesloten 11 is een nieuw tijdelijk en spannend project herrezen: TrouwAmsterdam.