Sofia Felix
Janneke Grooten
Remco van Rijn
When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt.
Tekst en advies op het gebied van cultuur en gezondheidszorg
Yola de Lusenet
freelancer erfgoed en nieuwe media
Mijn professionele bestaan draait om erfgoed, uitgeven, fotografie en nieuwe media. Als freelancer werk ik aan opdrachten die te maken hebben met digitaliseren van collecties en publiceren op het web.
riemer knoop
innovatie, helderheid, creativiteit, onbevangenheid
Ik stimuleer mensen en (culturele) organisaties om om de hoek heen te (durven) kijken
Out now! Nat Muller
Mag.net Reader 3
Processual Publishing. Actual Gestures
edited by Alessandro Ludovico & Nat Muller Processual Publishing. Actual Gestures looks at three main strands which situate contemporary independent publishing as: a locus for artistic practice ("The...
Marijke Kunst
informatiediensten Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden
Social science + Art + New Media + Design + Philosophy
My name is Zepha and I like to think. I am currently working on the Spinoza project . My goal here is to create something that interesting that people will be unable to not react. My goal in life is...
Marlou Beulens
Ik begin de dag met een dansje, en eindig daar ook mee :)
Micheline Van Branden
Kapital K: A Classless Character
1jan 200831dec 2008Language is always altering since it's subjected to many influences like technology, recognizable in MSN slang, multicultural influences, like the Moroccan rif (الريف) slang that is entering our...
ruben huele
Trying to make scenarios for future museums of natural history. Teaching complex models.
Andrew Daneman, ‘Airport’
By Luisa Santos (Curator MA, RCA)
“If on arriving at Trude I had not read the city’s name written in big letters, I would have thought I was landing at the same airport from which I had taken off.” - Italo Calvino, “Invisible...
Muriel Rive
Kunsthistoricus, Nieuwe Media medewerker bij Theater Instituut Nederland (TIN).
explores the chaos of visual phenomena
I am eyekino, i create, i am a mechanical eye. Show you the world as i see it. Now & Forever, i free myself from human immobility. I am in constant motion, i draw near then away from objects
Daantje van de Weijer
Museum Professional, Museologist, communication and marketing weird, alienated, very VERY stubborn, perfectionist, know-it-all-smarty pants, impatient, hyperactive and impossible, professional
Maria Slovakova
I am a visual artist and a performance poet, born and raised in Czechoslovakia, lived a few places now residing in London....
Sabien Stols
freelance Communicatie adviseur in de Cultuur
Als freelance deskundige Communicatie en Publiciteit voor Culturele organisaties weet ik: elk publiek vraagt om een specifieke communicatie-aanpak. Ik ben nieuwsgierig naar de optimale mix van...
RFID Hacker Camp / Mediamatic Camp Site
Evelyn Grooten
projectleider bij Mediamatic Lab
I am a junior project manager for Mediamatic Lab. Contact me for questions about anyMeta.