Lecture: Sugar Factory
Out of my Mind
9mrt 200710mrt 2007Book presentation Eric Staller
Stadsdichtersdebat Vers Versus Vers
11feb 2007Rotterdamse dichters debatteren over de benoeming van de Stadsdichter en de popularisering van de (dicht)kunst. Afsluiting door Simon Vinkenoog.
WORM totaalavond
16feb 200717feb 2007Het beste van maar liefst drie werelden gebundeld in spraakmakende performances.
Katrien van Warenhuizen
Performance: Frascati
Pushing Air
7feb 200711mei 2007Op zoek naar het sublieme, met het kwetsbare menselijk lichaam als begrenzing.
Mediamatic Post CS
Start a new Art World
27jan 2007Welcome to book, music, food & drinks!
De Unie
Sous l'éclat des lampes
20jan 2007Een eigentijds concert voor zang, stem en piano.
Sjaak Stolker
Copywriter/publicist uit Wateringen (NL)
Exhibition: Stedelijk Museum
Facts, Fictions and Stories
9nov 200618feb 2007Two projects by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin.
Workshop: Jan van Eyck Academie
Thinking through the body
4nov 2006The Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht presents a one-day workshop on somaesthetics, body experience, art and philosophy.
Exhibition: Museum Tongerlohuys
17sep 20062nov 2006Twan Janssen, Jaap Kroneman and Guido Vlottes present their work with winks to music culture. The trio have exhibited before in China, and come together once more in Roosendaal.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Lex Wouterloot 1 jan 1991
Cours de Médiologie Génerale
Régis DeBray, Éditions Gallimard, Paris 1991, ISBN 2-07-072292-9, FRENCH TEXT, PP. 395, FF 120
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Adilkno 1 jan 1991
ADILKNO is the Dutch society for the advancement of illegal knowledge.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Jules Marshall 1 jan 1991
Jules Marshall is an Osford graduate and a hack journalist wih ideas above his station. He believes in the symbiosis between science and art.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Alfred Birnbaum 1 jan 1991
Alfred Birnbaum is an American telematic nomad and polyglot, who works as a writer, translator and artist. Most of the time he hovers around Asia.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Joost Niemöller 1 jan 1991
Joost Niemöller is the soft-voiced, mild-mannered author of the novel Revenge. He is currently writer in residence at the University of Texas, Austin
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
RFID and the Internet of Things
14nov 200616nov 2006RFID & The Internet of Things is a workshop for a maximum of 16 designers and artists who want to learn more about RFID and its possible effects and uses.
Games Verslaggeving
18apr 2006Aangezien weinig mensen een spel goed en deskundig kunnen verslaan, is er nu een wedstrijd in games verslaggeving. De eerste in Nederland...
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Campus du Solbosch
Fosdem 2006
25feb 200626feb 2006A conference on the latest in open source development, focusing on the themes desktop (openoffice.org), development (source management tools such as darcs and valgrind), security (on the ClamAV anti
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Mobtagging Workshop - Mass Controlled Metadata
15feb 200616feb 2006Mediamatic presents a 2-day workshop on social tagging, or Mobtagging. Mobtagging is what happens when groups of users freely apply and exchange labels (metadata) to online information. It allows...
Juliane Henrich
Writer, Photographer, Filmmaker
De Kwebbelplek
2okt 200530okt 2005What are the relations between the Kwebbelplek (chit chat spot) and Speakers corner? Or are there even similarities? Pieter Lemmens presents his new book on the relation between painting and words
Rotterdamse Schouwburg
GDMW festival
30sep 20051okt 2005With Kees van Kooten, Ozark Henry, Malcom Middleton, Meindert Talma & the Negroes, Frans Vogel, Liesbeth Mende, Khalid Boudou, Henk Houthoff, Gummbah, Eefje Wentelteefje, Wilfried de Jong, Tim Krabbé...
Amsterdam, Nederland
Shadow Festival
13aug 20051sep 2005A creative documentary festival for all those other documentaries out there.