Irene Nooren
Former Fablab manager
Ik hou van interdisciplinaire projecten, de brug tussen technologie en maatschappij, kunst en wetenschap.
Rania Baltagi
After working in Advertising and Web design, I finally found a home in broadcast design. For the last 4 years I’ve been designing logos for programs on air, art directing their title sequences and...
Workshop: Mediamatic Post CS
Kufi workshop
28aug 200729aug 2007Leer de basis van Kufi, de oudste Arabische caligrafie-stijl. Ontwerp je eigen vierkante Kufi patroon met Arabische of Nederlandse woorden door twee avonden deel te nemen aan de workshop! Bewerk je...
Raymond Prucher
artist, illustrator, graphic designer, writer and educator
Norbert Bayer
Mister Ministeck
Mister Ministeck Norbert Bayer is known for his notorious pixelextravaganza and has created an unexpected renaissance of an almost forgotten technique: The mosaic. But he wouldn't be known as Mister...
drawing / graphics/ motion / sound / t-shirts / friends / myspace.com/funkfutron
Robin Gareus
R&D around the world
Daan Patijn
beeldend kunstenaar, producent, voetbalfan, surfer..
I do the productions of exhibitions at <>TAG both in The Hague and Amsterdam. Besides that, i work as an artist realising projects which make use of new technologies.
Annouk Post
Projectleader Bint El Dunya / Developing new projects
At Mediamatic I will be working on the Bint el Dunya project and developing new projects.
El HEMA at Roots Festival
Inspiration for el HEMA at Roots festival
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is related to an abstract art language methodology applied to the virtual world concept. The Constructor is a Conceptual 3d visual engine which builds the virtual...
Orlando,Florida USA Gianluca Mura
CCCT2007 International Conference on Computing,Communications and Control Tecnologies,Orlando,Florida,USA.July 12-15,2007
Extended submission deadline: June 30, 2007 We invite designers,artists,researchers and practitioners to submit their paper on interactive system projects. We appreciate creative technologies project...
Gianluca Mura
Diogo Terroso
Interaction Designer
David Veldman
Neerlandicus, talig, werkt aan een verhalenbundel die eind 2009 verschijnt, verdient z'n geld door tijdschriften en boeken te vermarkten en elegante tekstjes te schrijven, wilde toen hij klein was...
bas van der touw
Rini Hartman
any-media artist
As any-media artist I live on the cutting edge of art, media and idealism. In my opinion, art offers an inexhaustible resource of communication possibilities. Therefore I experience an immense...
Bert Mulder
Zelflerend organisme. 1962 — 2020
Filosoof en adviseur over maatschappij, technologie en leren. Hij was bijna 30 jaar bestuurslid van stichting Mediamatic. Lees meer over Bert in zijn in memoriam .
Mediamatic Post CS
TV Dinner
30mrt 200711mei 2007Tijdens de tentoonstelling Vergessene Fahnen van Florian Thalhofer serveerden we Weißwurst uit Schwandorf, Brezel uit Stuttgart, Senf van Haendelmayr en echte Hollandse radijs voor 5 euro. En...
Exhibition: Ronmandos Gallery Rotterdam
Oliver Boberg is terug
18mrt 200727apr 2007RONMANDOS heeft het genoegen de terugkeer van de succesvolle Duitse kunstenaar Oliver Boberg (Fürth, 1965) in Nederland aan te kondigen.
Festival: Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
Beyond Belief
18apr 200728apr 2007Tweejaarlijkse internationale Springdance/festival voor hedendaagse dans en performance.
Exhibition: Galerie Buuf
19feb 20078apr 2007Vrouwelijkschoon siert Galerie Buuf.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 1#2 Mart Grisel, Murk Hoestra 1 jan 1986
Either/Or in Chinatown
In 1984 GáBOR BòDY was artist in residence at WESTERN FRONT in Vancouver. He made Either/Or in Chinatown, a 37- minute video with a narrative structure, about the esthetic's of decay, erotic desire