Aleksandra Popovska

Aleksandra Popovska is a musician and artist, exploring creativity in various contexts.

She is a singer, composer, painter, creator of audio-visual performances.

In the Balkans she is known as pioneer in so called “extended vocal techniques”.

In her interdisciplinary performances music and image are served to trigger new modes of perception.

Her freely exploration of different contexts expands the boundaries of genres, creating experience for the audience.

She uses her voice as an instrument and her interests in music are various,

from folk and pop to jazz and experimental live electronics.

Real international career began since 2000,as vocal and keyboard player in the Dragan Dautovski Quartet,

performing in many countries in the world.

She participated in recordings of over twenty Cds in different music genres.

With several groups she appears on many music festivals.

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  • Aleksandra Popovska