Jeroen JJ Graus

Fundament of Construction

What is reality? pieces of analogue? digital pixels? experiencing Virtual Reality?
We live in the near future in a world where more and more (virtual) realities are created. These new realities lead to new meanings and insights that have much impact on how we all already experience the existing analog and digital world.

Internet is growing, internet transcends borders, cultures, a quarter of the world is online: a new era has arrived. As an artist who creates images, a new time also means a new image. A 'symbol ', a constructed sign that defines this new time.

This symbol 'The Fundament' stands for the best qualities and values of modern man; knowledge, understanding, wisdom and experience, with the aim for each individual - discover your 'Natural Intention'. As Mark Twian put it: ' The two most important days in your life are the day you where born, and the day you find out why..... '

Contact informatie

  • Jeroen Graus