Virtual Worlds

What do virtual worlds mean for brands

Once the stuff of science fiction, virtual worlds are becoming central to the future of marketing, technology, entertainment and brand-building.

Consumers desire to be engaged in a dialogue with the companies they love. And companies use virtual worlds as places to assemble active communities for their most passionate supporters. This special event, organised in collaboration with the EPN - Virtual Worlds Platform, explores what virtual worlds mean for brands.

Stef Aupers, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences

14.00-14.30 Virtual Worlds: Rewiring Your Emotional Future
Virtual Worlds are becoming an embedded part of our culture and the implications for every aspect of society are unimaginable. Jack Myers discusses the potential that Virtual Worlds have to dramatically alter the emotional code of the human race, and also reviews the opportunities for individuals, corporations, advertising and media companies to build personal and corporate marketing campaigns in Virtual Worlds.
Jack Myers, Founder and Publisher Jack Myers Report (US)

14.30-15.00 Pathways to the 3D Web
What happens when video games meet Web 2.0? When virtual worlds meet geospatial maps of the planet? When simulations get real and life and business go virtual? When you use a virtual Earth to navigate the physical Earth, and your avatar becomes your online agent? The Metaverse Roadmap is an extensive 10-year technology forecast and 20-year visioning survey of virtual and 3D Web technologies, markets, and applications.
David Burden, Daden, Accelerating (UK)

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-17.00 Presentations and Panel discussion,
in cooperation with the EPN Virtual Worlds Platform
Moderated by
Stef Aupers, Erasmus University Rotterdam

With among others:
André Rotte, Vice-president, Philips Design
Raymond van der Kaay, Director, Lost in the] Magic Forest
Nicole Yershon, Director, Innovative Solutions, Ogilvy Advertising
Ilja Linnemeijer, Senior Manager, PriceWaterhouseCoopers