Mediamatic Biotoop Images

Images of Mediamatic Biotoop


The terrace with the beautiful view over the waterside - Anisa Xhomaqi


Evening dinner at Mediamatic ETEN - Eating amid the wonderful artworks of Zeger Reyers Anisa Xhomaqi


De Haeckelkamer - De tekeningen van Ernst Haeckel hebben een permanente plek gevonden in de Haeckelkamer. De ruimte wordt gebruikt voor diners en feesten. Lisanne Groenewoud


23-06-2017 Spectrum Crops - installatie - Kunstenaar Diana Scherer onderzoekt de gevolgen van kleur op de ontwikkeling van planten, in haar nieuwe project Spectrum Crops, gestart bij Mediamatic. Fotosynthese, het proces in planten dat zonlicht omzet in chemische energie. Het beïnvloedt de vorm, structuur en kleur van planten en verklaart waarom de fauna in de tropen vaak groen en overvloedig is, en geel en dun wordt wanneer ze in het donker wordt geplaatst. Maar wat zou er gebeuren als ze in het licht van een specifieke kleur worden… Chiara Barraco


Presentation in the Sluisdeurenloods - Mediamatic's Sluisdeurenloods is fully equipped to host presentations for up to 100 people in a theater setup. For standing receptions and (music) performances the maximum capacity is 150 people. Anisa Xhomaqi


Aquaponics - Mediamatic has their own urban agriculture system in the form of an Aquaponics greenhouse at the Biotoop Dijkspark, near Amsterdam Central station. Aquaponics is a way to sustainably produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. Plants and fish are cultivated together. The fish excrete ammonia which gets transformed by bacteria into nitrate. The nitrate serves as fertilizer for the plants. Anisa Xhomaqi


Clean Lab - In the  Myco Design Lab   we explore the possibilities of designing with living organisms. We believe that the mycelium, the root system of mushrooms, will eventually replace plastic. Currently we are making insulation from mycelium using the waste from our   brewery . Anisa Xhomaqi


Working at the Leminar Flow in the Clean Lab - In the  Myco Design Lab   we explore the possibilities of designing with living organisms. We believe that the mycelium, the root system of mushrooms, will eventually replace plastic. Currently we are making insulation from mycelium using the waste from our   brewery . Anisa Xhomaqi


Filling bags with straw and mycelium - Grow your own fungi workshop by Wouter Hassing at Mediamatic's Clean Lab. Anisa Xhomaqi


Mediamatic Biotoop - Mediamatic Biotoop seen from the water Anisa Xhomaqi


The terrace - Elizabeth Vasilyeva


The terrace at Mediamatic ETEN - Elizabeth Vasilyeva