Clean Lab Credits Bedankt! We willen de volgende mensen, organisaties, sponsors en deelnemers bedanken.
Mediamatic Biotoop Growing Mushrooms met Wouter Hassing Wil je weten hoe je je eigen paddestoelen kunt kweken? In deze workshop zal zwammenexpert Wouter Hassing je vetrouwd maken met de mogelijkheden van mycelium en hoe een paddestoelenkwekerij te...
Afbeelding: Tobias Servaas A bunch of mycelium For the Pigeon Towers A stack of mycelium (mushroom production waste material) in front of the Sluisdeurenloods, to be used for the Pigeon Tower project in 2020.
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Margherita Soldati All Participants going home with a chance to grow… Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural and artistic applications of this 'new' bio-material and invite you to start exploring it for yourself. During this introduction course you will...
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Margherita Soldati Filling a Bag to Take Home Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural and artistic applications of this 'new' bio-material and invite you to start exploring it for yourself. During this introduction course you will...
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Margherita Soldati Working in the Clean Lab! Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural and artistic applications of this 'new' bio-material and invite you to start exploring it for yourself. The best step is to inoculate the...
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop Margherita Soldati Wouter Hassing Talking About the Oyster Mushroom Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural and artistic applications of this 'new' bio-material and invite you to start exploring it for yourself. During this introduction course you will...