What is a Neo Futurist Dinner?

Neo Futurist Dinner is a programme line at Mediamatic where the world of food, art and science are brought together. During these gastronomical experiences, you will be engulfed in a multi-sensory dinner scene.

But, please be aware: we are not another art institution picking realizable recipes from the Futurist Cookbook. So, what do we share with the Futurists then? Their misogynism, machoism and ardent nationalism definitely not. Their interest in multisensory experiences? Definitely yes! The Neo Futurist Dinners are coming into being. Be ready for the triggering of your whole sensory sphere.


Interior Taverna del Santo Palate, in Turin, in Vanchiglia 2 - With (from left) the Bulgarian architect Nicolaj Diulgheroff, who rebuilt the place, the poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and the painter Fillia, alias Louis Columbus

The Futurists vs Neo Futurist Dinners

While the Futurists fought pasta (being dependent on wheat import was not in line with their nationalistic worldview), we are rejecting meat consumption not because of political reasons, but because of ecological ones: we aim to stay true to the vegan spirit of MediamaticETEN as meat is one of the least future-friendly aliments of our times. (Though we also refrain from dogmatism and if there is a good reason, or a good mood, we don’t say no to some fish or oysters.) We share the disappointment of Futurists over the passeïst culinary establishment and we are ready to challenge it with wonderful new creatures, flavours and devices. As much as they made a joke out of the genre of the cookbook, we are playing around with their approaches.

"We want to fight ferociously against the fanatical, unconscious and snobbish religion of the past, which is nourished by the evil influence of museums. We rebel against the supine admiration of old canvases, old statues and old objects, and against the enthusiasm for all that is worm-eaten, dirty and corroded by time; we believe that the common contempt for everything young, new and palpitating with life is unjust and criminal." - Marinetti 

Read more about the history and background of the Neo Futurists here.