
Lecture: Margherita Soldati

Textile, touch and manipulation

31 mei 2019

Have you touched the ceiling in our toilet? Have you walked through a big piece of textile? Have your hands discovered our handrail? If you have been at Mediamatic lately, there is a big chance you have encountered the textile installation The Skin is an Extension of the Brain by artist Margherita Soldati.

On the 31st of May, Margherita will demonstrate the three techniques she used to create Soffito, Passagio and Corrimano. During this evening lecture she will talk about the function that tactility has in her practice and how she developed her more recent works. She shares the inspiration behind her practice and goes deeper into the obsession she has with manipulating textiles to create organic and repetitive shapes.

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Margherita Soldati performing one of the manipulation techniques -

The Lecture

You will get an insight into how art and psychology can be connected, as well and how material research can be shaped depending on what you want to communicate. Margherita will extensively explain and show the techniques so that you can replicate it within your own practice. There will be samples of different projects that you can touch: shapes made with textile, with a 3D- printer, with fish waste, with bioplastic, with plastic waste, and more.

You will hear the story of how Margherita started to experiment with "touch" in a clinic designed for patients suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia. The lecture will be a moment to listen, learn and touch touch touch!

Margherita Soldati

A few years ago, Margherita Soldati extended her practice of textile manipulation by integrating them in our daily life. She aims to engage the senses and trigger them. The investigation keeps raising new personal research points on how to cross-examine the blurring line between the traditional function of surfaces and more stimulating encounters with our daily surroundings.

"In the past years, Margherita has been researching how stimulating tactility can create benefit in our lives, especially focusing on people suffering from Alzheimer and Dementia. To show this vision she researches specific materials and textures which could give the right sensory effect and work them into new objects, structures, surfaces that can be applied on small scale objects or can alter standard architectural elements."


Lecture: Margherita Soldati
Friday 31st of May, 18:30 - 19:30
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam